
Chapter 197 – Serious Mode! Tier 2 Reached!

'If it's like this, then maybe I can play it too. I can take revenge at them for scaring me in the past.'

Just when he thought of that, he heard Flexy shout energetically from the speaker.


Energy beams were shot from their guns. They traveled at a fast speed and exploded when touching the ground. Unlike the beam gun in Midnight Heist, this was a real destructive weapon.

The incoming cockroaches were decimated at once. Small craters were formed from the gun's explosion, but those didn't stop the black army from advancing.

Battle ensued. Energy beams kept flying from the three guns. When one stopped to reload their energy gun, the others would cover for him.

The last person who didn't help in defense was getting all ammunition from inside the base, dropping them near the three who focused on annihilating the cockroaches. It was a strategy so they wouldn't need to run around getting extra ammunition when they were depleted.