

The town of Stratford lay under a thick blanket of white as the snow continued to fall. Narrow cobblestone streets weaved between cottages of thatched roofs where their chimneys puffed out gentle plumes of smoke.

Snowflakes fell silently, muffling the sounds of the two young Magi's footsteps as they walked through the town, their thick cloaks wrapped tightly around them, protecting them from the harsh cold.

"What are we even doing here?" Art grumbled under his breath. "Isn't Professor's mission over already? I can't wait to go back home. I don't like it here one bit."

"You're always complaining," Aiden harrumphed. "We need to complete the task before he arrives."

"Where do you think he's gone?" Art asked curiously as he walked with his hands clasped behind his head.

"Who knows?" Aiden shrugged. "He seemed to be in a hurry when he left a few days ago."