

Mayor's Office, Town Hall.

The interior of this room had a high-vaulted ceiling, painted with scenes depicting the town's most historical events and legendary figures.

Mainly it was of Magus Stratford defeating a shadowy figure, then leading the people to safety and building a settlement that would later on be named after him.

At the far end of the room, stood the mayor's desk which was made from ancient oak. Mayor Wyndham Hobbs was sitting on the high-backed chair behind his desk, glancing at the young Magi sitting before him with an amiable smile.

The sound of firewood crackling could be heard in the backdrop as Art, Aiden, and Eleiney awkwardly looked back at the old mayor, not knowing what to say.

They were abruptly invited to his office. Moreover, it wasn't like they could refuse either. Although they were quite nervous and scared to visit him, they were relieved by the fact that they had someone to rely on.