

Waves of suspicions washed over his mind the moment Adam learned that they had been teamed up with Alex and his squad.

It had been less than a month since their last squabble, and now they had been banded together by headquarters, almost as if the universe wanted the two squads to reconcile with one another.

However, Adam's suspicious nature would never allow him to think that.

The moment he heard this news from Lisa, he immediately willed the lotus to clear all the intoxication clouding his mind.

Yes, a legendary artifact being used as a hangover medicine. If the experts who fought over the lotus many years ago saw this scene, they wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The latter, most likely.

Adam got to his feet and started pacing around the tent, stroking his chin.

A month ago, we met Alex and his team. Then, we got into a quarrel, but it wasn't too big of a deal…