

As the Joker continued to stare at the beautiful scenery through the large portal, pearls of tears slowly started to roll down his white-painted face.

This was perhaps the first time he had ever shed tears.

Tears of joy.

However, no matter how much he yearned to go to the Spirit World, for now, he could only stare at it from afar. After all, he still had to fulfill the arrangements left behind by his late Master.

He took out a red silk napkin from his pocket and wiped the tears from his face. Then, he glanced at Adam and smiled gratefully. "Thank you."

Adam bowed dramatically. It couldn't be helped. In the time he had spent with the Joker, he had learned quite a few things about showmanship.

Suddenly, a gray light flashed in front of Adam's head, and the next moment, Valerian appeared!