

In the heart of Stardale, inside a secluded, abandoned house, Lisa knelt on the ground and wrapped Galriel's body with a long, white cloth. Her hand movements were mechanical and the expression on her face was blank.

Scenes of what had earlier transpired when the city gates had been breached kept repeating in her mind. Overcome by immense guilt, she continued to blame herself for not being able to protect her friend.

Although she had only known Galriel for about two months, she had come to develop a strong bond with the elf.

If only I was more self-aware of my surroundings, I could have protected you from the boulders…

If only I had worked harder, I could have protected you from the troll…

If only I was stronger…

Pearls of tears trickled down her face which was covered in dried blood and dirt. She glanced at Galriel's face. Although it had no signs of life, it appeared to be peaceful.