

On the outskirts of Glassford City, Elrod, the elven twins, Adam, Edward, and Lisa had gathered under a large tree.

Elrod was fondly rubbing his Ithikari's head. "So are you going to explain or not?"

The question was not meant for the elf's familiar but for Adam. All the kids simultaneously glanced at him. By now, they had already heard—or seen—what had transpired at the city square.

While Daneli and Atiel were curious as to why Adam did what he did, Edward and Lisa knew the reason all too well. The couple's expression turned crestfallen after learning that Kevin was still alive.

Adam lowered his head and stared at his feet, fidgeting with his fingers. He was unable to come up with a proper excuse. Actually, there was no excuse for what he had tried to do.