

Within Adam's living quarters, bathed in the soft glow of the flickering candles, the youth sat before a blank canvas, his eyes closed in deep concentration. In his hand, there was only a simple paintbrush. However, there was no palette or colors in sight.

This would be the first time that he would be attempting to utilize the painting technique that he had learned from the memories of the last expert whose soul he had devoured.

The core principle of this technique was to use the abundant, natural mana as the paintbrush and slowly develop a better grip at controlling mana through painting. But since he was still a beginner, he was going to coat his paintbrush with mana instead.

Around him, the air pulsated as mana slowly gathered at the tip of his paintbrush. He visualized the colors that he wanted to use, slowly infusing his mana with the essence of the desired colors.