
Mystic Lane

Whether it was day or night, the Moon City Harbor was always bustling. Dozens of sailships arrived and departed through the Aurei River every day, bringing with them countless trading goods from the other kingdoms in the Southern Federation.

The sailors and the dock workers worked tirelessly as they carried crates of goods back and forth. Amidst the laborious environment, Adam led the twins to a particular pub located near the Lunar Bridge.

"Ugh, so stinky!" Atiel covered her nose with a pink napkin. She looked at Adam and complained, "Where are you taking us? It's so dirty in here."

"Hah? Get used to it. Did you think the rest of the world would be as pristine as the Baja High Forest?" Adam rolled his eyes as he made his way through the crowd.

The twins' complaints fell on deaf ears. Soon, they reached a pub named Drunken Siren.