
Mutual Understanding

As Brigham and Elysande secretly left the elf's estate, Elysande asked in a hushed tone, "What was in that scroll to have triggered such a reaction from you?"

For as long as she could remember, Brigham had always been a stoic person who barely gave in to his emotions even when the tides were against him. For him to have such a strong reaction meant that the information in the scroll was of paramount importance.

Brigham first scanned the surroundings. It was close to midnight and there were barely any people loitering around in the affluent Uptown Quarter, except for the people from the city watch on night patrol.

The two were wearing cloaks that hid their identities. They had also cast concealment spells on themselves so as not to garner unwarranted attention. Despite that, Brigham chose to remain cautious as he transmitted his words through Mind Whisper.