

"Hu-uhh?" The troll glanced at the youth in front of him in puzzlement. It tried to yank the club from the youth's hands but it just wouldn't budge.

For a moment, it stood there in a daze, scratching its head, feeling genuinely confused.

Weren't humans weak? Then why did this human in front of him have so much strength?

Adam ignored the troll and turned around to glance at Lisa. She was covered in blood from head to toe, her appearance extremely miserable.

"Adam… Galriel, she…" Lisa couldn't finish the words she was about to say as she burst into tears. She embraced Galriel's body tightly and continued to sob incessantly.

Meanwhile, Adam shifted his gaze from Lisa to Galriel, his body trembling ever so slightly. He deeply glanced at the elven girl's lifeless eyes, and in them, he could see the reflection of his own desolate self.