

Adam and Edward couldn't help but smile warmly seeing the touching reunion of Lisa's family. Suddenly, a gray light flashed and Valerian appeared out of nowhere.

He acrobatically landed on the ground and then ran toward Lisa, climbed her shoulders, and then gave her a warm hug as well. "Myu~"

"Little Val…" Lisa sniffled seeing the cute little cat. "Come, I haven't forgotten you."

Jamie gasped in surprise. "A kitty!"

"Rawr~" Valerian waved his tiny paw at the young boy, seeming saying, 'I am a mighty dragon!'

Adam couldn't help but chuckle seeing such a scene unfold. He then saw his butler walk toward him with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Barry." He patted the man's shoulder. "How have you been?"

Barry respectfully bowed. "I have been doing quite alright, my lord." He then deeply gazed at the youth, specifically the deep scar running across his face and the look in his black eyes.

"You have grown, my lord."