
Kings and Commoners

The next moment, Krummor's eyes gleamed with a sharp glint as he added, "But know that we are often present in the affairs of kings and commoners alike.

"Our name may be unknown to you but the cause we represent touches us all. We are the lord guardians of the realms, dedicated to the preservation of balance and the defense of the powerless."

Brigham deeply looked at Krummor. He then glanced at Elrick standing beside the table. Then, his gaze shifted to the young dwarf standing behind Krummor. It then shifted to Daneli and finally landed on Adam.

For a moment, he felt as if all these Magi were concealed in a layer of shadows!

Krummor's words didn't sound like empty ideals. Instead, they seemed to carry tremendous weight. He could feel it—the dwarf truly meant every word that he said. And that scared him.