

The snow fell softly, blanketing the cobblestoned streets in a layer of pristine white. The air was crisp and cold, each breath exuding a mist that quickly dissipated.

Aiden, Art, and Eleiney walked through the crowded streets, pulling their cloaks tighter around them to combat the harsh cold.

"Professor says, once we complete the five stages of the Mana Foundation Rank, the harsh weather will no longer cause us discomfort," said Art as he rubbed his palms against one another.

"Hmm, that's why Professor walks around with a loose robe on without feeling any cold whatsoever," Aiden chimed in.

Art chuckled, "Hehe, it's probably because of the insane amounts of wine that keep him warm."

"Everyone has a vice, Art," Eleniey stated. "Just like how you spend gold on the most random things without batting an eye."

Art's lips twitched. "W-What do you mean? I don't spend on random things!"