

Rowan's expression turned serious when it was time for business. "Right away, my lord." He removed the satchel and took out a few pieces of paper from within.

"In the last week, I have put down anything and everything peculiar that I have encountered in Corvid in these notes."

He respectfully handed the papers with both hands to Adam. "I have also written down the dates for your convenience."

Adam grabbed the papers with a raised eyebrow, "You wrote them down?"

"Yes, my lord." Rowan nodded anxiously. He put away his hands and kept them hidden underneath the table. Then, he began to fidget with his fingers, hoping that his findings were to Adam's liking.

Adam glanced at the paper and saw that the notes were written in fluent Acaros. Moreover, the handwriting was also pretty neat and beautiful to look at.

As I thought, the youth thought to himself. It seems Rowan has quite the story to tell…