

Elton was minding his own business as he went around the marketplace looking for material components to buy. However, this mortal pair of siblings constantly pestered him to buy dumplings from them.

It was really getting to his head. If it wasn't for the large crowd that had gathered here, he would have already shown these peasants their place. However, this was wartime and he didn't want to create a ruckus.

Moreover, he did not wish to sully the name of the Magus Family whom he served. What would people think if they saw a Magus of the mighty Roy Family bullying children? This was what he thought every time he felt like beating these children who were annoying him.

But when the boy grabbed onto his cloak and defiled it with his dirty hands, something inside him snapped. All the rage and other pent-up emotions that he had been bottling inside him erupted like a volcano.