

Adam sat on the railing of the lighthouse's gallery deck. One leg was dangling in the air, while the other leg was folded as he rested his chin on his knee and looked at the city that had just woken up.

Seeing the people getting ready to begin their day, completely oblivious to what had happened the night prior, Adam sighed. Only the people who had lost someone would be aware of the tragedy that had struck the city last night.

Edward, Lisa, and their familiars climbed the top of the lighthouse and saw Adam sitting there, gazing at the City of Sails in silence.

Both of them took their seats beside the youth, and for a while, no one said a word. Edward suddenly patted Adam's shoulder and asked, "You okay?"

Adam simply nodded.

Seeing this, Lisa sighed. "This isn't like you at all, Adam. Tell us what happened."