

This midget, he's clearly disgruntled, thought Adam with an amicable smile. At the very least, he's not displaying any hostility.

"My lord," he began, "what would you like to know?"

"Thirteen!" The short hooded figure roared. "That's the number of people trapped in the fire last night. They died as a result of your actions. How are you going to explain yourself?"

"There is no need for any explanations," Adam smiled. "The way I see it, only thirteen people died, but in return, hundreds of innocent women were liberated. That's a good trade-off if you ask me."

"Trade-off?!" The figure angrily asked. "Do you see lives as mere commodities?"

Adam remained silent. He thought for a moment and then replied, "On the contrary, my lord. I believe life is precious."

"Then why did you burn that building down last night? Those thirteen people would have been alive if you hadn't!" The figure spoke in annoyance.