
Greatest Ecological Safari Park

Hey hey, the principal is down! (Crying) Don’t… don’t rush to call an ambulance, help me up first! Fang Ye wakes up playing games late at night and finds that he has become the director of a run-down zoo. The gentle and spiritual Siberian tiger, the fierce and arrogant silver fox, the gray wolf who likes to sprinkle dog food… With the development of the zoo, various charming animals have attracted tourists from all over the world. “Why do animals like me?” Fang Ye raised his head and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees in response to the curious questions of the children. “We should also start from a sunny evening…”

Poison_Rage · 作品衍生
755 Chs

Chapter 744: I don’t feed cats, I feed raccoons

Wang Yan frowned, and while filming the video, he chatted with a big brother who was watching the excitement next to him: "Who puts the cat food? How can I feed it like this?"

The eldest brother said: "I fed it, what's the matter?"

Wang Yan was stunned immediately, it turned out that the master was by my side!

Wrongly said: "Feed this way, this cat food has been eaten by the raccoon dog, and the raccoon dog is going to overflow."

The eldest brother said: "I don't feed cats, I just feed raccoons. I think raccoons are cuter than cats."

Rhetorically asked: "People can feed stray cats, why can't I feed raccoons?"

Wang Yan explained: "Whether feeding stray cats or feeding raccoons is bad behavior...

Like these young raccoons, when they can leave the nest, they will learn how to survive with their parents, look for food and avoid humans. After weaning, young raccoons who are not deeply involved in the world will be expelled from the house, reducing the burden on the family and starting to set foot. Unfamiliar roads, go to an unknown area to live independently.

In this process, most individuals will die due to starvation, disease, natural enemies, bad weather, and traffic accidents. Only a few outstanding individuals with good skills and good health will survive. This is the replacement of the normal animal population, the survival of the fittest, and the survival of the population. Stay healthy and strong.

We observed in the community that the ratio of young raccoon dogs to adult raccoon dogs is basically 5:1. Basically, every newborn raccoon dog survived. This ratio is very abnormal.

Little raccoon dogs can survive by eating cat food without learning other survival skills, so that they completely lose the ability to survive independently and cannot survive in the wild environment.

Moreover, wild animals need to migrate to find new habitats and determine their territories before overwintering and breeding. Feeding points will cause them to lose their normal movement pattern and the ability to migrate and reproduce. The overall viability of the raccoon dog population will also be serious. Of decline. "

Fang Yedao: "Originally, raccoon dogs are timid and shy animals. They are really cute, but after being fed, they no longer fear humans, and even increase their aggressiveness and aggressiveness. Monkeys in Mount Emei are like this.

Normal raccoon dogs fight and bite like this every day, and the increase in number may also lead to the outbreak of infectious diseases. This is a natural regulation mechanism.

The raccoon dog is a canine animal, theoretically it can carry the rabies virus. If it becomes overwhelming and develops aggression towards humans, they may be dealt with, and they will need to be responsible for the mistakes made by humans.

Although the feeding is kind, it actually harms them. "

Although some people have discouraged him from feeding, they have never made the truth so clear.

The eldest brother feels that he is showing love, and he can't help dissuading him. On the contrary, he has a kind of rebellious mentality, and he won't let me feed me but hey!

Hearing these consequences, I was not as confident as I was at the beginning. I couldn't see the expression on my face in the dark, but he seemed a little embarrassed. He muttered in a low voice, "Well, I'll pay attention later."

After leaving the feeding point, Fang Ye sighed: "Today is really an eye-opener. There are some who feed stray cats and dogs, and those who like to feed raccoons specially!"

In addition to infrared cameras, some cages are also arranged in the community.

The raccoon dogs who were greedy for food stepped in, were caught and strapped to a GPS locator to record their trajectory.

In the next period of time, all the communities where raccoon dogs were flooded were investigated and visited.

It is still a bit difficult for them to fully investigate the distribution of raccoon dogs, so an event was launched on the public account to invite citizens to see the raccoon dogs and share information.

When I was investigating with the residents, I heard various voices, and people's reactions to the raccoon dog were very complicated.

There was an old grandmother who raised flowers by herself. The raccoon dog dug a hole and ran into the small garden, and ate all the flowers. The old woman was very happy.

In the small villas where some citizens lived, raccoon dogs had dug holes one after another in order to poison the raccoon dogs to death. Of course, this dangerous idea was dissuaded.

Some residents live on the bottom floor and listen to the raccoon dog very noisy every night. If they want to go to bed early, they are often woken up, so they hate the raccoon dog. However, the residents living on the upper floors can't hear the raccoon dog's noise and have a much gentler attitude.

Some residents have children or want to walk their dogs, so they will come out for activities, so they are very disgusted with raccoon dogs. Those who order takeaways and play games at home don't care.

Some residents quarrel fiercely because of feeding.

"If you want us not to feed, don't your conscience hurt! Wild animals are precious, and the life of cats and dogs is not life? Do you know the lifespan of stray cats? Have you ever seen good stray cats being caught back to be tortured and clipped? Drop your ears and goug your eyes? You don't even know! Hope that the stray cats will die every day! I advise you to be kind, animals are extinct, and people are not far away!"

"The concept of stray cats is stupid and bad. Why don't you say that there are stray lions in Africa and stray pandas in Sichuan."

"Are people only allowed to live on the earth? Don't stray animals deserve to be alive? Are stray animals rushed and killed? We are opposed to feeding stray cats and dogs. You can experience it without eating and hungry."

"When you say that you only feed cats and not raccoon dogs, how can you ensure that every grain of cat food is in the cat's mouth? Please take it home if you like it."

"Why don't you take your stray cat owner home with love? What benefits are there in addition to sprinkling some cat food every day to satisfy cheap self-improvement? A waste of community resources, making a smoky atmosphere, and a smelt in the bushes , The cat cries one after another in the night, what kind of virgin do you pretend to, bah!"

There are communities with more raccoon dogs that prey on stray cats. It is like a fuse. Cat lovers, cat haters, cats hate raccoons, cats hate raccoons, and different groups of people have intense opinions. The opposition.

In Wang Yan's words, the nature of the world is diversity. Biology is diverse, and people are diverse. It is normal for different people to grow up in different environments and have different thinking.

Of course, the opinions of some people still make them sigh that the work of popular science has a long way to go.

It is normal for people with different ideas, but of course professional people should guide you in what to do.

After the investigation, the community property and neighborhood committees are advised to urge residents to stop all feeding behaviors, no matter what they are.

The neighborhood committee was very distressed by complaints about the raccoon dog recently, and did not dare to hurt the raccoon dog. After getting advice, it implemented strong measures.

After stopping feeding, the effect is immediate!

Only a few days later, the young raccoon dogs stopped chasing people for food, and the raccoon dogs in the community made much less noise at night.

During this period of time, the raccoon dogs are still in their cubs, and disturbing them may cause the cubs to die unexpectedly, so prepare to wait until two months later when the raccoon dogs grow up and have the ability to be independent, the number of raccoon dogs in the community is still relatively large and transferred to the wild. .

During this investigation, Fang Ye also came up with many ideas about the construction of the urban animal exhibition area.