
Greatest Ecological Safari Park

Hey hey, the principal is down! (Crying) Don’t… don’t rush to call an ambulance, help me up first! Fang Ye wakes up playing games late at night and finds that he has become the director of a run-down zoo. The gentle and spiritual Siberian tiger, the fierce and arrogant silver fox, the gray wolf who likes to sprinkle dog food… With the development of the zoo, various charming animals have attracted tourists from all over the world. “Why do animals like me?” Fang Ye raised his head and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees in response to the curious questions of the children. “We should also start from a sunny evening…”

Poison_Rage · 作品衍生
755 Chs

Chapter 728: Resumption of business!

This year's breeding period has not been disturbed by tourists, and the natural mating of clouds and Zhuangzhuang can be said to be a matter of course.

As for how long it takes to know if you are pregnant after mating, it is hard to say!

The rolling pregnancy period is very strange, ranging from 70 days to 320 days, that is to say, the longest pregnancy period can be 8 months longer than the shortest, four or five times the time!

Maybe other babies have all been born, and some of them are still not moving.

According to myths and legends, Nezha was born after 3 years and 6 months of pregnancy. It is estimated that this was the inspiration he got from Gungun.

Not to mention the large time span of pregnancy, false pregnancy is also prone to occur.

Even some female pandas do not want to go out for activities in order to use the air conditioner, and deliberately fake pregnancy every year...

For breeders and fans who love to roll around and expect them to give birth to their precious cubs, in this situation, expecting disappointment and ups and downs, the mood is the same as riding a roller coaster, it is a real torture!

Under normal circumstances, the rolling pregnancy period is 110-130 days, about 3 months after mating, you can know whether you are pregnant or not.

In mid-March, the zoo reopened for business, but you need to book tickets online at least one day in advance.


Tang Xiaoxin was wearing a beautiful little skirt, rolling around on the bed, his excitement was beyond words: "Go to the zoo to play!"

Obviously, there is no place to go out after the holiday, so I can only stay at home, wear pajamas every day, and watch boring TV variety shows with my parents.

I want to come out to play in my dreams!

Leaning against the window, looking at the clouds, while calling Qian Cocoa.

The weather today is also very good, the sky is blue as washing, the sun is shining bright, it is a suitable day for traveling.

The light golden sunlight passed through the fluffy and soft clouds like cotton wool, reflecting Tang Xiaoxin's brilliant smile.

"Hey, Coco... I'm going to go out, um, let's go this time!"

Before leaving home, I held Xiao Hei Hei and kissed him again!

"Little Hei Hei, wait for me to come back!"

Xiao Hei pushed away Tang Xiaoxin's face in disgust, and jumped from her hand.

In the green area downstairs, flowers with unknown names are all blooming. Bunches of light pink rose petals make people feel good.

In the community, there are old men walking with their hands behind their backs, some playing with fitness equipment, some sitting on chairs and enjoying the sun, breathing fresh air, exuding a kind of leisurely happiness.

In addition to wearing a mask on his face, it seems that he has resumed his daily routine when there was no epidemic.

The previous epidemic prevention measures were too strict. Security guards were keeping an eye on them, preventing gatherings and chatting, and everyone wisely stayed at home and did not go out.

Tang Xiaoxin picked up the phone, took a few photos of the flowers downstairs, and exclaimed sincerely: "Hey, it's great to be able to come out and play!"

A puppy ran past her feet in a panic.

The fur is gray and black, and the forehead and nose are pale white, not like a dog, but more like a raccoon!

Tang Xiaoxin was shocked: "Hey, did the raccoon in the zoo run out?"

After looking at it carefully, I found that it was a little different from the raccoon. The raccoon had a thief and mouse eye, which had a kind of mean and cute feeling.

Other residents also saw this strange-looking little beast and stared at it curiously.

It's actually a raccoon dog.

During the epidemic, there was a lot of news about animals taking to the streets.

Abroad, there are cougars foraging in the center of the Chilean capital; mother ducks with baby ducks walking along the ring road in Paris; groups of goats wandering in coastal towns in Wales, spot-billed penguins swaggering to accompany each other Take to the street.

Domestically, there are pandas strolling comfortably on the national highway, and wild boars running wild on the Yangtze River Bridge.

Wild animals live in the city, but they usually hide from humans and avoid encounters with humans.

When the epidemic hits, people stay behind closed doors, and the city falls into silence, these wild animals will naturally come out to explore.

It seems that this raccoon dog has explored this area clearly in the past few months and is familiar with the new environment.

However, there is no one who usually walks this road. Today, I suddenly found so many people popping up, a little panicked and at a loss.

Ran past Tang Xiaoxin's feet and hit a resident's leg.

During this time, everyone received various push messages, and more or less thought about some human and nature issues.

In addition, the epidemic has been temporarily lifted, and the body is in good health. You don't need to be bored at home, you can go out with your friends and eat hot pot.

Only after losing can we understand the rare beauty that we usually take for granted. After returning to a normal life, people have become extraordinarily kind.

Seeing the raccoon hitting him, he didn't kick a kick and acted to drive away the threat, but gently gave way to it.

The raccoon hurriedly disappeared into the bushes.

bus stop.


Qian Keke bounced happily and kept beckoning to her.

Looking at the pedestrians walking in twos and threes on the street, the constant flow of traffic, stretched out his arms, squinted his eyes, as if embracing the resurgent city.

"It's great! If a reporter comes to interview now and asks me what happiness is, I will definitely answer that being able to go to school and having fun on weekends is happiness."

Coco, who is most afraid of exams and can't afford to study, all sighed like this, which shows how depressed she was during this period.

But this mood is probably temporary.

After I went to school for two days, I was scolded by the teacher for two meals, and I thought that the house wouldn't have to go out again.

Tang Xiaoxin nodded fiercely in sympathy: "Yes, yeah! We must have a good time today to make up for the regret of the holiday."

Qian Keke sighed: "I originally made an appointment with my parents. I came to the hot spring hotel to book a room and soaked in a hot spring comfortably, but I didn't get it.

However, you can come whenever you want to soak in the hot springs. There are seasonally limited scenes. Snow monkeys collectively soak in the hot springs. Such an interesting behavior. The red maple forest in the local exhibition area will only be seen next year. "

Tang Xiaoxin smiled and said, "It's okay. Different seasons have different beauty. Now that the cherry blossoms in the cherry blossom forest are in bloom, we can go and see the cherry blossoms! By the way, the zoo has opened a new butterfly house, do you know?"

"Wow, Butterfly Pavilion, I can't wait! Get in the car!"

The two got on the bus, and Tang Xiaoxin talked about the episode on the road: "When I came out of the community, I came across an animal that looked like a raccoon! I don't know what it is."

"Huh, do we also have animals on the streets here?"

Come to the zoo!

The parents pushing the stroller and holding the child's hand, the young people who came in the company, the children were particularly excited, pulling the arm of the parent and walking forward, wishing to fly in.

A volunteer came to the back of the team and reminded: "Everyone prepares the health code in advance, and put on the masks..."

A rapid personal temperature screening device is also installed at the entrance of the zoo, so that visitors can enter the park quickly without waiting in a long line.