
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · 奇幻
34 Chs

Training Battle

"We will simulate combat situations, for now it will be for you only Jacob. Then after a few matches you will fight with your teammates." Clara explained through the observation glass, with her were some more researchers, guards, and Jacob's teammates.

Jacob held up his scythe, nervous for the training he's about to do.

'Just like rpg games, just swing and strike.' He continued to repeat until he calmed down.

Around him, the white room began to change, turning into an entirely different environment.

The ground beneath Jacob changed to dirt and wheat, he could even feel it brush against his hands.

Around him, the area had changed as well, the room had turned into a massive farming field normally seen outside the city, the sun above shone brightly at him, for a moment Jacob forgot this was a simulation world and not just the outside.

"The first enemy will spawn shortly." Clara's voice announced through a microphone. She and the observation glass were not present.

After a few moments, a small square drone appeared in a shower of purple and white light.

"That is one of the most common foes you will face currently in the battlefield, we call it a gun drone." 

A small flame emanated from the bottom of the drone while two gun barrels were strapped to the sides, a small red dot at the center stared straight at Jacob, the eye of the robot.

"Currently they are rather weak, that is if you can reach them. But don't worry, from intel gathered they are low flyers, just sort of agile. Try hitting it with your scythe." Clara ordered. The drone continued hovering in place as Colton prepared to swing at it.

Positioning his feet and tightening the grip on the scythe, Jacob prepared for a strong swing towards the target. 

'Just like cutting wheat and minions.' 

The scythe slammed into the side of the drone, sending it crashing down with his scythe. In a few moments the drone blew up into nothing. A small feeling of accomplishment hit Jacob.

"Excellent. The next phase will begin shortly." 

While waiting, Jacob snapped his fingers, showing the screen once more. 

[Fighting already? Man i'm late.@$!@] The text box appeared again, to his and Clara's surprise. 

"What do you need now?" Jacob asked.

[Why? The harvest thing was just a test, right now I want you to do something else to kick up the pace a little. Something more your style maybe.!@!#] After the text vanished, a box appeared above the screen.

[Destroy 5 simulation drones: 0/5] 

"Odd, so that's how it looks. Similar to tasks provided by us to the people." Clara commented, but after a few seconds, both text boxes vanished.

'Guess I'll just do what it says.' Jacob thought, he got exp before and nothing bad happened, so why stop here, getting it is always good right?

"We'll add some difficulty to the next one. Let us see you try to hit it while it moves." Another drone appeared out of thin air, unlike the last one though it began circling Jacob at a fast speed.

"This is kind of a difficulty spike isn't it?" Jacob questioned, staring at where the observation glass should be.

"Don't worry, this is their normal speed, beating them here should guarantee that you can do it again on the field." Clara reassured him. 

Jacob looked at the drone as it flew by, preparing his swing and footing.

'Just wait, like a good shot on a far enemy.' He stood still for a while, trying to find the best time to hit it.

'Now!' He swung his scythe with all the strength he had, and the drone fell to the ground, with the scythe stuck on it.

"Well done." Clara congratulated him, but their celebration was short lived as four more drones appeared out of thin air.

"Now for the last part of training, combat." Without warning, one of the drones fired at Jacob. A blunt projectile struck him hard on the shoulder, causing him to stumble back and grab at where he was hit. Next to him, a small text box appeared colored red.

[Injury warning: Blunt strike at right shoulder!] 

'At least this thing works.'

"They only fire dull bullets, the most you will get is a bruise." 

"Try to destroy them without kneeling over and passing out." Clara ordered.

'Shouldn't be the first time.'

When Jacob was younger he had become used to City G attacks, and evading them when they happened alongside his parents.

'Just like that one day….' The memory brought a moment of sadness and anger to Jacob, but he quickly snapped out of it, looking back at the drones with deep focus.

'I need to finish my dreams and goals, for them and myself…' 

"Ready?" Clara asked.

Jacob prepared himself and took a deep breath, in a few seconds, he nodded his head.

The drones whirled all at once, flying around Jacob and unleashing a hail of blunt rounds. Jacob ran around the area, dodging the hail while trying to get close to one of the drones.

In one strong swing, Jacob slammed his scythe into the drone, sending it flying to the ground in a ball of flame. Just as he tried to look at the drone, blunt bullets struck at his back, causing the notification text to return. 

He raised his other arm, letting it take the full force of the bullets while preparing to attack. He swung his scythe after a few seconds, hastily trying to strike down the moving drones, he quickly noticed that they began dodging his swings, moving to the sides when he attacked, to his frustration.

'This is much harder than trying to run away!' He caught on to their new movements, and began swinging to the sides and from above, striking the drones from multiple directions until they fell in a ball of fire.

As the drones dwindled, the chaotic noises of the drones slowly became more and more quiet, until the final drone was sent to the ground, failing to dodge Jacob's sudden burst of attacks.

The notification box floated next to him as the battle had come to an end and silence slowly started to come in. 

[Injury warning: Multiple blunt wounds sustained, heavy bruising and fractures likely!]

The drones blew up in balls of fire before being reduced to nothing, and Jacob sat down on the ground, taking heavy breaths from the fight and nearly passing out from the amount of energy he just used.

'Man, it looks much easier in games.'

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