

March 26th of the year 1830. Quarter to seven. Somewhere near the border of Phulas and Bonaville. By the tent that stood alone across the river.

There was a woman in her late forties chopping wood. Not far from her was a young man with green eyes and disheveled dark hair, grilling a fresh water fish over an open fire. It was Owen.

After he lit the candle last night, the hounds couldn't get near them. He was surprised to say the least. And at the same time, grateful. He didn't wanna think about what would have happened to them if not for the candle.

The gray smoke spread across the woods and the hounds left them completely. Then following his aunt's instruction, he went to the place indicated in the map. And it brought him to a woman called Matilda.

She was sharpening her knife as she waited for her soup to boil when Owen arrived carrying Lucia on his back.

Matilda dropped the knife when she saw them. She squinted her eyes as she stared at his aunt.

"Benefactor?" She muttered, loud enough for Owen to hear.

Obviously, Owen was confused. So he asked the woman. "Excuse me, ma'am. But do you happen to know my aunt?"

"Aunt? This fine lady is your aunt?"

'No matter where I look, there is nothing fine about my aunt.'

Owen forced himself to smile despite his muscles already screaming in exhaustion. "Yes, ma'am."

"I see. I see. A fine lad like his aunt indeed. Your aunt was my benefactor a long time ago. If not for her, I would have perished along with my granddaughter and would have to spend ten years in the void." She explained.

"I—I didn't know that. But ma'am. If it isn't too much to ask, would you mind lending us a hand this time?"

"Anything for my benefactor's nephew. Why? What is the matter?" She asked.

Owen stepped forward. Allowing the light from the fire to hit them. Then Matilda gasped.

It was dark so she probably hadn't seen it clearly. But both Owen and Lucia were in bad conditions. Dried blood and mud on their clothes. Sunken eyes from exhaustion. And Owen looked like he would pass out any moment. It was quite obvious he was only forcing himself to smile. A poor attempt to look half respectable.

"Merciful Marhwani!"

Matilda invited them to her tent and allowed them to rest. She also gave Owen a bowl of soup made of coconut milk and sweet potatoes.

"Here. Eat this while I prepare the medicine. Look after your aunt while I'm gone," Matilda told Owen before disappearing outside the tent.

"What in Bonaville did I get myself into?" Owen couldn't help but ask when the situation finally sunk into him. "And where the heck are we?"

He scanned the tent. There were different kinds of dried meats hung on a rack on the left. Fish, pork, squid, and even frogs. On the right were various herbs both fresh and wilted. And tiny bottles with suspicious looking liquid scattered on the floor. And a crystal ball. And a dying cockroach pinned to a slab of wood.

"Ha! This woman seemed to be as weird as my aunt as well." Owen said in resignation. He had been to Lucia's 'No Entry' room before. And he couldn't help but compare how similar they were.

It didn't take long until Matilda returned. She brought with her a tiny wooden bowl with a weird concoction inside. It has a moss green color and has a slimy texture. She placed it on top of a chest near the entrance.

"Oh! Don't mind me, young man. Finish your soup and I'll finish this in a moment. Must treat your aunt as soon as possible. She's in grave condition. She became like this while helping me before as well. What a kind hearted woman she is."

But Owen begs to differ.

The Lucia he knew was a troublemaker that's why he couldn't help but get curious.

He flashed her an awkward smile before saying, "Excuse me, err…"

"Matilda. You can call me Matilda."

"Uh, right. Matilda. I'm Owen. So, uh, when did you meet my aunt?"

"Ah! You're curious about that? I only met her thrice. When she was seven. When she turned twenty one. And today."

Matilda's answer didn't help at all. It only made him more confused. "And how did she become your benefactor? If you don't mind sharing, that is."

"No, it's fine. It wasn't a big deal, really. She took down three dinosaurs." Matilda answered nonchalantly. As if she was just talking about what she had for lunch. But the same couldn't be said to Owen.

The lad was totally stunned that he dropped his spoon to the floor, his jaw threatening to fall. 'I wasn't hearing things, right?'