
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. However, something different awaited him on the other side. ... After his death, due to unknowingly saving the lives of billions of people, God adopted him as his son and gave him the job to purify the multiverse from sin. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Damn, I miss Jesus, why did I send him there" ***Warning - No Harem, Extremely OP protagonist, more of a slice of life story.*** ___________________________ 2 Chapters daily [1st major world - Harry potter. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] [5th mini-world - Star Wars - 302 - 329] [6th major world - Naruto - 330 - 402] [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] [10th major world - Full Metal Alchemist Bro. - 529 -584] [11th major world - Dragon Ball - 595 - 663] [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. Thank You.

MisterImmortal · 作品衍生
704 Chs

96. Families, some fixed and some broken.

"I present to you, the ex-Maester of Winterfell. Maester Walys. He served at the time of Rickard Stark. Maester, please tell us about the letter you received from Lyanna" Alexander ordered.

Robert's ears were attentively opened instantly. Including everyone else in the room.

"I-I received a letter from Lady Lyanna before she went away. In the letter, it was written that she was going with Prince Rhaegar on her own accord. That she was in love with him since the Tourney of Harrenhal. She also disclosed that she was the secret Knight of the laughing tree. I knew what I had to do at that moment. If that letter had reached Lord Rickard, the rebellion would have never happened. So I burned it and hired a lad to intercept Lord Brandon Stark and tell him that Lady Lyanna was abducted by the prince. The rest we all know. However, I did receive another news that Lady Lyanna and Prince Rhaegar had secretly married as well. Prince Rhaegar had already secretly gotten his marriage undone with Elia before all that."

As soon as he finished speaking, Robert fell to the ground with a loud thud. He felt meaningless, he felt like all his life was meaningless. The Maesters were behind god knows what else. He looked at his hand and remembered how he killed Rhaegar. Furthermore, he widowed his beloved Lyanna. Surely she didn't love him but he did like her. The rage he had felt at that time was for her, even if it was misplaced, it was still for her.

"The Order of Maesters had brought so much damage to our society that even words can't describe it. So many wars started because of them. So many more that we will never know happened because of them. They lived like a leech. Sucking the life out of Westeros. They held back all the knowledge and made it nearly impossible to spread. This way they made sure that Maesters were always needed.

This is the reason why I visited the Citadel in Oldtown some years ago. There I met a good man, Arch Maester Marwyn. He told me about the secret plots of the order. I also did my investigation and found dragon and human bones secretly kept underground. So, I had no choice but to destroy and rebuild. I created the Tower of Knowledge, which only serves one purpose, to spread the knowledge. There is no order of Maesters anymore. The position is just a word now. In the north, we now call them teachers or Professors. I will be creating these towers of knowledge in every city in the world. These will be places where anyone can go to receive an education. I will also make it free to teach children as well.

Our future is bright, as long as you follow me. Now, back to the trial. But, let me bring some new guests first." He took out the anywhere door from his pocket dimension and opened a passage to Winterfell. Elina, Anna, Rina, Jon, and Eric were waiting for him.

He opened the door and 2 women and 3 children walked him. As soon as Rina and the kids saw Alexander, they ran to him.

"Grandpaaa," they shouted.

"Hahaha... Come here," he laughed and picked them up. Rina and Eric on his shoulders and Jon in his arms.

"They may not look familiar to you all." He said and lifted their disguise. Elina's hair returned to being black and her skin a bit tanned. Anna's hair turned back to being the original and her face to what it was before. Rina also looked at her hair change from reddish-brown to black, her eyes from black to deep blue. Aegon's hair turned back to white and his eyes purple. Jon was just Jon.

"Welcome back, Elia, Lyana, Rhaenys, Aegon, and Jon." Alexander greeted.

"Who's Rhaenys Grandpa?"

"Who's Aegon?"

The kids asked.

"They are also your names sweetlings. But you can still keep calling yourself Rina and Eric if you want."

"I love my name, I won't change it," Rina proudly said.

"Yes, me too," Eric added.

But that was not the case with Elia and Lyanna. Ned walked out of the crowd and hugged Lyanna. He knew about her but still, he felt like his sister was really back now.

Robert didn't know what to do, he just walked up to her and kneeled down on one knee.

"I am sorry Lyanna. I made you a widow. I will accept any punishment you want to give me. I'll accept it even if you want to behead me." He solemnly said, his eyes facing the ground.

Lyanna walked up to him and caressed his hair. "It wasn't your fault. It was no one's fault. The Maesters did it. I forgive you, Robert. I am also happy to see that you turned out to be such a fine man." She smiled.

Robert lifted his face to look at Lyanna. Both had tears in their eyes.

"You should meet my son, Robert. Jon, come here," she called.

Little Jon came hopping to his mother. "Jon, this is Uncle Robert. He's a very strong man."

Jon looked at the bearded well-built man in front of him. Both of them were face to face as Robert was still kneeling.

Robert kept on looking at Jon's face. For starters, he was happy that the boy had mostly Stark features.

"Hahaha... Come here, little Jon. I'll give you a ride on my back." Robert howled in laughter and put happy Jon on his back.

While all this was happening, another reunion was taking place just a few steps away.

"Sister, is that really you?" Oberyn walked towards Elia with widened and shock-filled eyes. Just on the brim of tearing up.

Elia also had tears in her eyes, looking at her brother as Elia and not Elina. "Yes, it's me. I missed you, big brother."

They both tightly hugged and cried. "I-I thought, Y-You"

"Yes, we would have died if not for uncle... I mean All-father." She corrected herself.


Only to receive a light pat on her head by passing by Alexander, "I am still your uncle. I may be a god but I still have feelings"

All the people chuckled seeing that. To them, god seemed so perfect. Not pompous, not extremely proud. Instead, god was warm, kind, and approachable. This led them to think whether if the high Septon was also the same as Maesters and manipulating them.

"You look good, sister. I wish Doran could be here to see you." Oberyn happily said.

"Me too. I heard that he can't walk now because of gout." Elia sadly replied.

"You know, you can use the door. Just go and bring him here." Alexander offered.

Elia quickly opened the door and let Oberyn go in to bring Doran. The whole world already knew that All-father had descended to the realm of men and that he was currently the ruler of the seven kingdoms too.

So when Doran came out of the door, with his walking stick, he still tried to kneel in front of Alexander.

Alexander waved his hand and cast a healing spell. Gout wasn't a hard disease to cure with magic. Doran suddenly felt painless while kneeling. He quickly looked up at Alexander.

"All-father, thank you. Thank you," he said with teary eyes. Not for curing him. But for saving his sister.

"Hahaha... Get up now, son. Go and meet Elia," Alexander patted his shoulder.

Doran nodded and got up to embrace his sister. "Welcome back, Elia," he whispered in her ears.

Oberyn also came over and hugged them.

"Brothers, meet my children. They don't like being called Rhaenys and Aegon though. RINA, ERIC. come over here" she called.

The kids were playing with Dobby on the iron throne when they were called. They ran back to their mother with giggles. Turning the mood of the always cold great hall/ Throne room cheerful. People prayed that may there always be such happiness in that cursed hall.

Doran and Oberyn talked with the 2 children. Rina already knew Oberyn so she was comfortable. But Aegon was a little shy with strangers.

Both Doran and Oberyn also picked the kids on their backs and took their sister to the side so that the trial could end. Lyanna and Robert did the same.

Alexander had already tapped Cersei's mouth while the reunion was taking place. Tywin, Cersei, and Jamie were also going through time torture. They went through all the cruelties they did to others.

When the hall fell back into silence, Dobby loudly spoke. Now Alexander was sitting on the throne while Dobby was announcing.

"Cersei Lannister, you have been found guilty of your crimes and are sentenced to death. Jamie Lannister, for cooperating with the trial, you are to take the black. Tywin Lannister, even if Elia and her children are alive, you still orchestrated the sacking and planned their murder. You also caused the death of Tysha. For your crimes, you are also sentenced to death. Maester Walys, you are sentenced to death for causing conflict and manslaughter. All your punishments will be given tomorrow morning, inside the execution hall." Dobby read the verdict.

|| Cersei Lannister - Category 3

Murder - 44

Indirect Murder - 209

Blackmail - 387

R*pe - 15

Sin Percentage - 59%||

||Jamie Lannister - Category 3

Murder - 497

Indirect Murder - 29

R*pe - 37

Sin Percentage - 63%||

||Tywin Lannister - Category 3

Murder - 238

Indirect Murder - 3,278(Reins of Castamare)

Blackmail - 392

R*pe - 67

Sin Percentage -70%||

Alexander had given the data to Dobby already and they were getting rightfully punished. Though Alexander also knew that most of the people involved in the Lord and Knight's business were Category 3, especially those who fought in rebellion.

Most of the people in the hall cheered. Except for Kevan, Tyrion, and the criminals. Tyrion didn't have much love for his sister and father but he still loved his brother. Maybe a little less after learning about Tysha.

Tywin and Cersei were taken to the specially made cells with new locks. Jamie was left to wait for someone from Night's Watch to come for him.

"You don't look so good, Tyrion," Jamie grimly spoke.

*Sigh* "We all are broken people, brother. Some broken by strangers and some by your loved ones. Now... Sorrow is my only salvation. Goodbye, enjoy the Wall, I always wanted to see it" Tyrion slowly walked away. Leaving Jamie standing alone, to think about his whole life and the things he could have done differently.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

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