
Grand Wizard: I Am A Villain

In his previous life, Lucas was known as a great wizard and moon wizard. Everyone calls him by different great names. As a king, he has the highest power. Someone with a noble, kind, and gentle heart. Everyone admires and praises him. Not everyone really loves him, they just put on a false front. Behind that false mask there is only treachery. The person who took his throne was someone Lucas really trusted. Lucas experiences his first death at the hands of someone he truly trusted, and ends up reincarnated, coming back to life in the modern era. A very pleasant new life, unlike the one in the past, which was very dark. But the happiness he gets is only temporary, he has to lose his new family and face people from the past again. At that moment, the whole world turned around and pointed their guns at him. However, the truth was that he remembered the body he was using was Lucas in the present who had died. The same pain he had experienced in the past. Lucas just wanted to get back the happiness that was stolen from him and take revenge. It doesn't matter how, even in a dirty way. He who has two very different traits, someone who has experienced the bitterness and cruelty of the world. Destroy the mines that block his path to darkness.

Ayazia27 · 奇幻
146 Chs

Chapter 48 Gambling and Fighting Part 6

The ice fist missed. Daniel clenched his teeth and held back his irritation. That such a novice wizard could depress him. Daniel used the ice stakes again to hold Peter down.

But Peter was no longer sliding across the floor. He sprinted forward, facing the ice stakes coming his way. He seemed to greet the enemy calmly. Very different from the lies inside him, like a split personality. The real Peter was already trembling with fear. He hadn't expected to look cool and tough right now.

Peter no longer put his feet on the ground, he used the gust of wind as a driving force. Just like when he had fought the werewolf. His body flew fast, but with many times the power, destroying the ice stakes that were in his way. Another stake that froze his sword shatters. Peter gets his sword back.

Covered in an aura of mana and a stream of wind elements. The slash was quite powerful, destroying the wall of ice protecting Daniel. The man jumped high to avoid the wind attack. His feet rested on floating ice crystals, so Peter couldn't attack him from above.

'Damn! That boy turned out to be pretty tough.' Daniel gritted his teeth but did not lower his haughty face. If he feels he has the upper hand, his enemy will not be able to attack him from above.

Easy. Peter only used the wind as a driving force, as he had done before. This time, Peter no longer doubted his rapidly growing abilities. He kicked his feet into the air as if there was an invisible ladder. The swing of his sword scratched Daniel's face.

"Bastard! How dare you hurt me?!" Daniel screamed, his face red with blood streaks on his face.

Daniel clenched his fist, an ice fist appeared and slid right in front of Peter's eyes.

In his heart, Peter was afraid and continued to recite spells. He couldn't hesitate. His mana aura rushed into the sword and was enveloped by the wind element. Once again, Peter was able to cut through an ice fist.

His hand rose in a horizontal slash. The crystal rod Daniel was standing on split in two. In the air, Peter didn't want to waste his chance. Even though Daniel had time at the last second to protect himself with a wall of ice. The slash and push of the wind pushed Daniel far away and out of the arena.

In less than five minutes, Peter managed to drag Daniel out of the arena. This earned him 30 points. The second victory for a new contestant, defeating the great fighter that Stella Cadente has always been proud of. Applause and loud voices echoed throughout the arena.

For the first time, Peter felt a happiness he had never felt before. His grandmother at home must be proud of him, no more insulting words from his grandmother.


"Max, you are my pride. Make those wizards get what they deserve for looking down on us. You are a genius and a mother's pride." The short-haired woman clasped her son's shoulder. Her eyes burned and implied vengeance. "They are back again, causing trouble by trying to break that dark wizard out of prison. And those annoying brats who are bothering us. You can take care of them."

The tall young man nodded his head, his brown eyes sparkling with confidence. "Don't worry. I won't let you down, Mom."

The short-haired woman smiled, her slender hands stroking the blond hair of her beloved son. However, his warm smile suddenly vanished when he saw his other son breaking the glass bowl. The floor was stained with pea soup and broken glass.

"BASTER! BASTARD! You broke the bowl again?! Clean it up or I'll hit you."

The short-haired woman carried a long stick, her face swollen and red. Her hard hands brutally beat the bowl-haired young man with the stick. No matter how much the young man squealed and begged for mercy. The short-haired woman had no mercy for her other son whom she hated so much.

Max didn't help his brother at all. He and the other children were just orphans without parents. Only Lorenna Timothee was their mother. He hated non-wizards, and his brothers were wizards who couldn't use magic at all. It became an outlet for his mother to hate his brother.

So far, Max has given a lot of money to his mother and the orphanage where he lives from the proceeds of gambling and participating in fights at Stella Cadente. This was a good opportunity for him to take revenge on the wizard. To prove that he, who is only a non-wizard, can defeat a wizard.

Max also doesn't care about Daniel and Elisa, who lost the last battle. He hated wizards from the start, and his preparations were ninety-nine percent on the way to perfection. The plan will not fail.

He saw him at the other end of the arena, the competitor who would be his opponent was Lucas Mathias, grandson of Gerd Mathias. A government faction leader and a non-wizard. How could this young man be a wizard who came from a non-wizard family?

The wizarding population was not that large, and many wizards married non-wizards to produce wizarding offspring. Such things were very rare, or Max didn't really know that there were wizards who came from non-wizarding families.

He shook his head, chasing away the strange thoughts in his head. Why did he have to know so many wizards? Indifferent. They were just people who bragged about their power. Actually, magic power is just a curse, nothing more.


Third and final round. His opponent is a non-wizard named Max. Lucas noticed that Max was the type who could use technological weapons. He was also wearing a black jacket, a hood that covered his head, and a black mask that covered his nose and mouth, leaving only his brown eyes and a pair of glasses that were probably a piece of technology.

Lucas is very fond of technological objects, including experiments. Unfortunately, he has decided to express himself through magic.

The battle has begun. What surprised Lucas was that the objects covering Max's hands and feet were technological weapons.

Is it really a technological weapon?

Max just tapped his glasses, strange things covered his hands and feet. He stretched out his hand, and from behind the iron covering his palm, an extremely bright light appeared, gathering into a single point. The mass of light exploded towards Lucas like a nuclear explosion.

A light, a nuclear explosion, and a gust of wind similar to his punch created a booming sound. That's what it looks like. Technological weapons contain a variety of weapons. Such as rifle bullets, fighter jet engines that produce bursts of fire, and electric power that is surrounded by explosions. There is a scientific explanation for all this, inversely proportional to the ability and strength of a wizard who can produce magic power and elements. It is difficult to understand and can only be possessed by wizards.

Lucas jumped up, dodging the wind balls that continued to bombard him. If it continues like this, Lucas won't be able to get close to Max. One way is to make his body disappear, but not necessarily by covering his eyes with his palms.