
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · 奇幻
43 Chs

chapter 23(growing trouble and evolving altar)

to them not only was it creepy but it also blocked the exit

to them nothing can make it more disgusting

"if you are not going to give us any choice then you'll have to start regretting your actions now" eslot

saying so he suddenly grew in size by few inches became slightly bulker and his skin started turning slightly redder his eyes turned red,with the scarf he tied around his waist burning to ash,one can easily tell his using body technique of the fire category

this is a technique which the caption learned from the slaen barony but because of his lacking mana reserve he couldn't use the original one but one day the protector of the slaen Barony saw him using the technique while training but quickly stop him and forbid him from using the technique as it was harmful for his body and energy core

he instead gave eslot some pointers on how to use his own natural advantage in fights and how to make use of his ability more accurately

but that wasn't the end.

when eslot finally became a captain,the protector visited again after not talking to each other for few years,he brought a good wine which the two of them drunk and a modified version of the technique,that was the greatest day of eslot's life

the former technique was

<blazing pathways> which is a technique that uses fire based mana(mana with fire energy or elements in it)as a running source for blood circulation, busting blood flow, increasing attack power and busting attack potency by 500%

side effects:

rage amplification (normal)

vaporization of blood(if technique doesn't match your physique,note: this rarely happens)

but the modified one was much simpler

<source of flames>increase attack potency and attack Speed by 350%,

maximize clear thoughts and reduce stiffness and excess energy loss

side effects:


although it's attack power reduced,it became more suitable for eslot

back to the current situation

"giving you no choice?but I gave you two choices.

1, standstill and die peacefully


2, struggle and die painfully.

it's your choi-"before the altar could finish talking,it was already attack by the Warhammer knight who instantly charged from his current location to the altars location

sending a mighty swing down with his Warhammer instantly creating a crater at the part where the altar landed,


swinging one of it's pinchers towards the Warhammer knight

but before the pincher reach the Warhammer knight,the magic swordsman who has stacked his buffs to his limits casted a spell

"earth binding''

instantly chains made of earth and stones rised from the ground and stop the pincher ,but it didn't last long as the chains broke in the next few seconds.... but that was all that it took for the pinchers to lose its target

the captain attack at that exact moment when the Warhammer knight dodge the attack instantly attacking the softer areas in-between the pinchers, cutting deeply into it afterwards he jumped forward and slashed at the incoming fellers cutting them off completely, unlike the other time where he could only cut halfway

as if in a cue the captain jumped back ,and the magic swordsman instantly moved in place and immediately started bombing the altar with fire balls and wind blades, swinging his misty sword down,the altar wanted to block the blow with its other pincher but the sword and it's welder past it like flowing mist,when the sword came close enough for the altars body it landed a direct hit at the middle part which the chief was believe to have sat, dodging left the magic swordsman retreat quickly

in the next moment the archer release a rain of arrows towards the altar, each arrow was powered by a wind bomb spell and a speed increase buff

with such an outslot you would think the altar would fall soon

but thought don't always become facts

"AAAAHHH"the altar screamed with a high-pitched voice sending sounds waves strong enough to throw things back,but the next moment the altar froze

then it started vibrating again,this time way,way stronger than before

then it stopped all together

Then the voice sounded again but this with a more sweeter yet emotionless

"sigh.... so much time has past, Even my beautiful self has completely fused with this altar....no worries I have a new substitute"it sounded like it was talking to itself

then it started addressing them

"normally I can't use this ability.... because it's a once in a lifetime for everyone and everything...by using it I would permanently separate from this altar, although this body would die shortly after using it " it stated

in the next moment it's body suddenly release a massive amount of energy, the energy was so massive and aged that the deserted surrounding start gaining life, flower and weeds started growing,but in the next moment,all the energy was reconsumed by the altar instantly killing all the flower and weeds

suddenly feller slightly bigger and stronger