
Grand Duke of Destruction : Lord of the North

" Death is the end of everything and anything but for some people it is just the end of a path, not the end of the journey." Our protagonist is just your everyday normal low middle class boy. He is an introvert whose only purpose in life after middle school to university is to earn money. He thinks that the solution to every problem of his is money. He died in a truck accident. Well, not so tragic death but that's how reality works, you never know when you are going to die. He got reincarnated in a different world. Yes pretty cliche I know but unlike most protagonists who simply ignore the purpose of their Reincarnation he wants to find out the reason behind his Reincarnation. Will he find the reason behind his Reincarnation ? Will he become a prey in a world where strength is everything or will he devour and defeat everyone and anyone who stands in his path. Will he become a cold killing machine or will he create a dynasty the whole world will remember. To find out please read the novel….. ––––– Hello~ Author here, the synopsis might be a bit confusing or weird that's why I have decided to simplify it. This novel is not my first novel but still I will make a lot of grammatical mistakes as English is not my primary language. This is not your hero or anti hero protagonist, he is just like you and me. A selfish and indifferent bastard. You will find more about his personality in the novel. As this is a fantasy novel and a reincarnated one at that you can somewhat guess how things are going to be but just to not confuse you I am going to write a chapter regarding the power system and everything necessary you need to know. And yes this is going to be a kingdom building part as you might know after reading the title. Though the main plot will slowly and surely change. You can expect a harem but I am also going to include the problems which follow the harem. You want more than one woman you will also have to bear the consequences. HELLO GUYS~ MY DISCORD SERVER :- https://discord.gg/XnnqWVXH PS :- NO SYSTEM PSS :- Not my art, want to be removed please contact me.

DukeofDemon · 奇幻
73 Chs

Death magic

Amber who was eavesdropping from the staircase was barely able to hold back her tears. Because of her Claude had to become like this.

Claude became merciless, cruel and filled with hatred. Claude had to behave like a matured person from childhood because there was no use of being stubborn. He didn't have anyone who could spoil, love, care and look after him. Even though Layla was always with him, he knew that she was not his real mother. He also knew that neither his real mother nor father was with him, that's why he always had to look after himself. Amber blames herself for what she has folded on a child. A child who should be innocent, loving and carefree was changed into a cruel, cunning and mature kid. Even now he has to learn magic because he didn't want to be abandoned and looked down upon. He had nothing to lose but nothing to care for as well. And the reason why all of this happened was because Amber was not with him. Now even if Amber wants to return to him he won't be there because she was not there when he needed her the most.

After the heart warming dinner Claude went to his room to meditate and then sleep.

The next day went by just like that with training till 12. From today Eren had decided to focus solely on training just not because of what happened yesterday but also because he wanted to catch up with Claude. According to him Claude is growing stronger day by day and just not in magic but swordsmanship as well. Eren thought that if he keeps on slacking he will never be able to grow strong enough to beat his brother.

Claude had lunch with Eren and went towards the direction of the river. He sat on the stone and started reading the first three tiers of death magic.

Unlike the first three tiers of life magic which teaches you about healing and regeneration. The first three tiers of death magic teaches you how to use the pure darkness element without any destruction. Black magic is harder to use as compared to white magic because if it is not used carefully the consequences are high as compared to white elements. But black magic clearly out powers white magic in offence while white magic is more defensive.

' Death magic is the study of black magic which is more on the creation side than destruction. Even though black magic consists of all the destruction type elements, death magic is unique as it doesn't just make a certain element but completely change your mana output in pure darkness. If you can master the first three tiers of death element carefully then you can also study various disciplines which are unique only to black magic.'

' One should not consider death and life elements as two different elements. They are two sides of the same coin. If the life element multiplies then the death element divides. Death element is the purest darkness because it divides reality and matter itself until the only thing that remains is nothingness.'

Claude understood the concept of the death element, now it was time to learn the tier 1 spell of death element.

' Death element spells are not like life element spells. It does not require all the three spells to be known to perform a single task. The three spells are entirely different spells with entirely different concepts.'

' The tier one spell is a simple one. You only have to convert the mana into pure darkness energy. This energy destroys anything at the contact with matter and completely annihilates any form of life. It seems like it has properties of void in it, it is devoid of matter, it destroys life and you can't completely annihilate.'

" Rot "

Claude said the spell and the mana in his body came out from the palm of his hand and turned the stone in his hand to ashes which got mixed in the air like small particles and became invisible to eyes.

' As I thought, it's like this. When I casted the spell my mana was divided into two energies. One of which was the pure darkness energy while the other energy was the residual energy created when mana got converted into pure darkness. This residual energy seems to cover the darkness energy and keeps it under my control. If this residual energy is not present then the darkness energy will go violent and might even harm its creator. It is usually known that a person's spell can't harm himself but this darkness energy sure can. I don't know how it is created but I can guess that when using this spell the mana is separated or should I say divided which allows it to create darkness energy.'

Claude performed the spell a few times and when he thought that he finally got used to it he decided to move on to the tier two spell. The tier two spell was similar but this spell was a long range offensive spell.

' Now this is going to be hard. Unlike before when I just had to touch the object on which I have to cast the spell, this time I have made the spell appear in reality. Even during healing spells I didn't have to make my mana come in elemental form outside. It was something I did with that water spell. Hmm, let's try first in the normal way.'

" Rot "

He casted the spell and this time the darkness energy appeared above his hand in pitch black colour in the size of tennis ball, while this time instead of the residual energy being created from the division, the residual mana lasted for a few seconds after which the surrounding world energy got converted in the residual energy to surround the darkness energy.

' So that's how it is. Just like the tier two healing spell signatures the mana of the victim to be in the adaptable form. In this case the residual energy signatures the surrounding world energy in a way that allows the world energy to replace the residual energy. I didn't even think about this but the world energy's only purpose is to not let the darkness energy go violent. Once that task is completed the world energy returns to normal.'

Claude casted the spell again but this time he set a particular output. Instead of a tennis ball a ping pong size ball appeared. Claude threw the ball with normal velocity in the direction of a rock. Instead of destroying the whole rock only a small crater appeared. Claude understood that this spell is created to limit the destruction of darkness and use it as a weapon.

PS :- Join the discord server link given in synopsis if you want to see illustration of characters or just want to chat with me about upcoming chapters.




5 Power stones :- 2 chapter [ Completed ]

10 Power stones :- 3 chapters

20 power stones :- 5 chapters

The mass release chapters will be released alongside regular chapters.

Please help me complete this target. When this targets are completed I will announce more targets.

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