
Grand Arch-Magus General

Everyone has something they're gifted in. After a soul dies for the first time, they're sorted into a job that fits them the best. Atlas is a green haired boy who is reincarnated. Having been reincarnated, he lost all of his memories. His gifts however, have stayed His family is incredibly loving, with each day feeling more and more happy for them. They receive blessing after blessing. However, some blessings turn out to be curses... ----------------------------------------- The MC has no memory of his past life at all. Nor will he ever. He also isn't extremely cruel so don't expect genocides or anything of the sort from him. Executions, maybe. His only goal is to protect his family and his people. The world may seem slow to build, and that's because we learn about it as the MC does. He will be pretty overpowered, but not to a crazy extent. I mean, everyone with a class like his is overpowered. ------------------------------------------- Note: I do not own the art on the cover. If you're the artist that created it and want me to take it down, let me know.

Sorrest · 奇幻
21 Chs

Research and an Oracle

After letting Amy out of the room, Karina brings her chair to the window along with the books to read them in the sunlight. She flips through the pages and finds the word 'Grand'.

"Grand - this rune entails a class that is grander than its predecessor, i.e. Kaiser Aldred Luce's Grand Knight class. Many have tried to determine just how grand can correspond to classes. Many regular classes have a Grand counterpart, however, it is seemingly random. Classes such as General, Hero, and Arch-magus do not have such a class as they are already the peak of humanity. Other classes such as chef, builder, and even designer have a grand counterpart despite not being a combative class. As such, the rune for grand remains a mystery to us."

'Hmm… So, would that mean that Atlas' class is the grand form of both General and Archmagus? But… How? There's nothing above legendary… Grand General would be understandable but adding Archmagus changes that… Maybe it's a combination of the two where Archmagus is normal but General is grand?'

She flips through the pages again and stops on one in the Grand section.

"General - this rune entails that someone is skilled in commanding an army. One doesn't necessarily have to be a general to have this class. A general is someone who comes up with new strategies and implements old ones nearly perfectly every time. Soldiers and knights underneath a general feel more strength, speed, and endurance while under their command. For reasons unknown, a General is not good at utilizing mages and other magical classes in warfare. There also is not a magical counterpart to the General class. As such, many people do not utilize magic very well during combat, as strategy classes are able to find ways to counter them. In short, the General class is incredible at utilizing physical classes, and is good at countering magical classes, but is horrible at utilizing magical classes."

She closes the book and ponders the meaning of the two words.

'So… His class may be the grand form of General, and Archmagus?'

She grabs the magic book and starts flipping through it. Eventually she gets to a slightly decorated page at the end of the book,

"Arch-Magus - An Arch-Magus is a near-godlike being who will have ease at learning any magic. There has only been two Arch-Magi in history, Am. Freidrick Helk and Am. Juline Vertober. (Am. is the honor title for Arch-Magi.)

An Arch-Magus is a being that can learn all forms of magic to mastery despite their intrinsic magics. Mana seemingly bends to their will. Both Arch-Magi had incredible feats, Am. Helk was most known for killing a rampaging earth dragon with his single ice spear spell, and Am. Vertober is most well known for killing an entire undead army with her home-brew spell, smite.

An Arch-Magus is considered to be a demigod as they seemingly have no lifespan. Each Arch-Magi in history lived for hundreds of years before being killed by assassin's.

In short, Arch-Magi are god-like beings in the field of magic, able to learn any magic to mastery. They seemingly have no lifespan and are considered full gods to wizards and even some countries."

Karina closes the book and sets it down before taking a drink of the now-warm glass of beer sitting on the desk beside her.

'So, Atlas' class must mean 'Grand General & Archmagus' because it's 'Grand Archmagus & Grand General' he would most likely be nearing the level of Gods. Wait, there was still a page after Archmagus…'

She grabs the book once more and flips to the second to last page,

"Magus God - The only known class to be higher than Legendary grade, known as Divine grade. Only one person was ever known to be a Magus God and that is Heltanis Ithriil, Mother of Mythril. They are beings whose magic can create life and resurrect with ease. Mana bends to their will, as they can affect the Dragon Veins in the earth. They cannot be killed, as Heltanis was once stabbed through the head by a hero once and shrugged it off. Heltanis only left our plane by taking her rightful place in heaven, creating Heltanis' garden, a place for all who worship her to gather before reincarnation. It is unknown if other gods are also class holders as we have no history of them before Heltanis' ascension and her releasing of a book about heaven. Heltanis was known for her humility despite quite literally being a goddess. She never allowed someone to suffer on her watch.

As such; this book is dedicated to goddess Heltanis Ithriil, Mother of Mythril, Keeper of the Garden, and the only known human goddess."

'Huh. So this means that there IS a tier above legendary; however, it is the classes of gods. So my baby boy's class is most likely considered a very high-tiered Legendary class. Ok, what's the last page?'

"Class Upgrading - Some people have been able to upgrade their classes to the next level; however, it is extremely rare. Some notable examples are: Kil'iim Sir'tulla who upgraded her blade dancer class to grand blade bender, a class that allowed her to control all bladed weapons around her. As well as Urik Jalferr, a man who upgraded his basic mage class to Arch-Mage, a class that allowed him to expand his kingdom's territory to cover most of the north.

In short, classes can upgrade naturally, but it is extremely rare for them to do so. However, petty classes do evolve at a much higher rate."

'Oh, I didn't know that.'

Karina stands up and grabs the glass of beer. She cools the air around it down, making it cold again. She takes a sip and puts both of the books on classes back. She takes a sip and sighs,

"Haaah… My baby boy isn't going to have a peaceful life."

She sits on the floor and takes her hands in front of her,

"Heltanis, please watch over my baby boy. I know not how the future will play out, but it seems as though his life will be filled with turbulence. I only hope that he is able to enjoy his life and make many friends."

After finishing her prayer, she stays that way for a while and prays for her two daughters as well.


In a marble and gold temple, in front of a beautiful altar, a young tan woman with long ears and blue hair kneels seemingly in prayer. As she's praying, a golden light appears on the altar in front of her. The young woman in clothes that are seemingly a combination of a toga and ancient Egyptian clothes, starts shaking. Tears start to flow from her beautiful golden eyes as she gazes upon the golden figure. The golden particles all coalesce into a single figure, a beautiful woman sits on the altar as though it were a throne. Her clothes are made of golden leather and white cloth. Her clothes seem to flutter silently as she stands up and reaches a hand out to the young priestess. The priestess gazes into the similarly golden eyes as the golden haired woman comes forward. The priestess reaches her hand out with tears filling her eyes. As the tears fall, they turn into a golden liquid that instantly causes flowers to grow straight through the marble floor.

"Hear me child."

The woman speaks as her hands hold the young priestess',

"A god-kin has been born. His mother has prayed to me, that I may protect him and his kin. He shall be the ruler of all Heltania. So says the gods. Many races shall fall under his rule, with no differences between them. They shall all call him King, he shall be the King of all Kings, an Emperor of all Emperors. His rule shall usher in a new era. An era of war and an era of peace. He shall lead the people of Heltania to new heights. An era where Grand classes are as plentiful as Petty classes. He is the ruler of all. So says the Gods. He shall be blessed. He shall have many challenges. He shall survive all. All hail the King of Kings, the Emperor of Emperors."

The Goddess kneels forward and kisses the young priestess on the forehead. Instantly, the priestesses eyes glow golden, lighting up the temple in blinding lights. Several other priests and priestesses run in just in time to see the golden particles dissipate and the young priestess collapse. The oldest of the priests steps forward with tears in his elderly eyes. He kneels next to the priestesses unconscious body and utters one word,



AN: This chapter was a bit of an info-dump as I thought I should explain classes just a little. Also, bear with me. Not all characters will speak Heltani (English) as there are several different cultures on Heltania. It's pretty random which cultures speak what language. Most will speak Heltani because it's the language of the goddess Heltanis. Not all people on Heltania refer to the continent as that, and not all worship Heltanis.

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