
The Soul

Of course, Ryu's grandmother had no intention of going so far, nor did she feel the need to. She was confident that with his senses, Ryu could tell just how powerful the attack was. 

Her fist stopped right before Ryu's nose, allowing him to observe the changes to her spirit. 

At that moment, Ryu couldn't take his eyes off of the crystalline blue patterns. They seemed to coat his grandmother in a skin of diamond, as though her flesh had suddenly become as hard as a polished gem. 

The patterns had sharp, blocky edges and cut in perfect 90 degree corners. They spread out down from his grandmother's wrist, stop at her knuckles. If it wasn't for their unique energy and color, the pattern would look almost to bland and normal. They weren't anywhere near as complex as Fundamental Runes and seemed to fall far short of large and small formations in terms of mystery. And yet, Ryu somehow felt it was the most enigmatic thing he had ever seen in his life.