

There was a sudden silence that took over. Or, rather, there was nothing other than the reverberating impact of the palm print.

The Iunae Clan was in a daze. How long had it been since their prestige was challenged like this? How long had it been since an existence dared to stare them in the face and act as they pleased regardless? Even when it came to the Hidden Blade Sect, the two simply stayed in their own lanes, never acting so brazenly against one another. And that was especially so since the Hidden Blade Sect was far too mysterious for the Iunae Clan to dare to do such a thing, while the Iunae Clan controlled the most wealth in the whole of the First Heaven and even had a foothold in the Second Heaven.

As shocked as the Iunae Clan was, the members of the Second Heaven truly didn't know how to react. They were existences of the Second Heaven, yet a mere elder of a True One Star power dared to ruined the proceedings of their selection like this?!