
Graceful Darkness

A graceful little girl on her fifth birthday went from graceful to darkness itself. From her once perfect life to darkness without age. She now lives her life like no other, in hatred and anger, wanting nothing but revenge for everything that was taken from her. Her parents with great struggle had her as a child to call their own. A gift from the devil was given to the child. The question now is, Was it a gift or a curse? What would her so called gift bring to the world? Would she be able to control the darkness or will the darkness control her? How much of the darkness does she know? Read to find out.

Sarah_Z_Jugo · 灵异恐怖
33 Chs

The beginning of the end

" Jenny, I brought you some food, open the door" a voice called out from the other side " baby please come out and at least have dinner with us". " Mum please leave the food there and leave". As she descended the stairs, at the other side was a room filled with darkness with only the moon as the only source of light emerging from the window stood a little girl. She stood and walked gently towards the door, unlocked it , looking down laid the food kept for her by her mother. She then went took the food and went back in.

Now in the moon light, a little structure emersed, a body so skinny and fragile with dark hair let loose. She sat on the floor and ate her food in silence, she thought of the days were she would have dinner with her family, mummy, daddy, Christy and Jeff, but now all of those memories would not happen again " I'm too dangerous, I won't hurt anyone else" she thought to herself " why does this have to happen to me". Slowly she laid there on the floor till she was asleep.

" Don't be afraid of yourself, embrace it, it's not a curse but a gift , darling " a voice in the shadows" why lock yourself in? They won't harm you, they can't harm you. Let yourself out and let me in". " Who are you? What do you want from me? Why do you keep coming to me?" she cried out . The voice said again" they should be afraid of you not the other way round. I'm your guardian, you can't lock away forever. Go out " the voice echoed and faded away. Waking up from her dream, the sun shone brightly outside through the windows of her room.

Looking herself in the mirror as the sun reflected her face, putting her hair behind her ear, her face now clear in the mirror revealing her bulgy eyes, pink lips, flat nose and skin nearly as dark as chocolate. She was beautiful but had lost some weight through the pasting months. Looking her reflection eye to eye now the voice in her dream echoed " Go out" repeatedly. Finally she spoke to herself " It's time, no more hiding".

She went into the bathroom, took a bath , got dressed her now heading for the door with her heart racing faster and faster with every step until she came face to face with the door. As she opened the door letting it slide, she took a deep breath and stepped out for the first time in 11 months " Tomorrow would make it twelve" she thought. She looked around and a lot of things had changed since the last time she was out , descending down the stairs she heard voices, voice she had not heard for a long time. Her foot steps now echoed in the living room, steps that caught the attention of all to look in the direction, silence now evading the surroundings, tears filled up in everyone's eyes and soon after warmth followed.

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