
Gourmet Emperor : Building A Nation

Ikki Isaku, just an ordinary high school boy in a culinary vocational school. Born in an ordinary family in a village near mountain slope. His father is a blacksmith and his mother an ordinary housewife. His cooking hobby makes he dreamed to be a famous chef someday From his grandfather that works as a farmer in his village, he learns about farming and agricultural products. One day when he going to the forest to search ingredient, a sudden rain make him take a shelter in a cave. When he exploring the cave, earthquake makes the entrance of the cave closed. After walking through the cave finally he found the exit, but what lies in the exit is a different world that unlike the world he lives before. Follow Ikki stories to survive in the new world, adventuring and find his ways home. This is a join collaboration series between 2 authors. Another story with the same setting, same character, but the different plot will be released by another author.

SweetsTomato · 玄幻
71 Chs

Embarassing Situation

My mind likes gone blank when thinking about the worst scenario that will happen if that snake bites Silvie here. But I can't let anything bad happen to her, not to a girl that I loved, I refuse to let it happen. I scream loud while running as fast as I could toward her.

"Silvie! Get down quick!'

"Huh? What do you say, Ikki?"

Silvie stops her walks turn her back facing me. Damn! Why she stop right under that branch which has the snake on it? Like given opportunity to bite his prey, the snake slowly descent from that branch toward Silvie.

"I said GET DOWN! Quick!"

There're still several meters distance separate me and Silvie

"What happen?"

Silvie still stands on her place and looks confused with my sudden order to her. Damn it! Why you still asking that and not just do as said, Silvie? There's no time to explain it! The snake is getting closer as we speak. When Silvie follows my stare upward, she just realizes how grave her situation right now.

"Kyaaaaaa!!!!!!" 😱

The snake already opens its jaws wide, show the fangs and ready to bite Silvie. It only several inches away from Silvie's head, while Silvie like frozen in her place, can't move her body.

Fortunately, within that critical moment, I already reach Silvie and push her shoulder down with my left hand while my right-hand slashes the snake with my machete


The snake was blown away, sliced into two pieces because of the swing of my machete. Some of the snake's blood is splattered around and drop in Silvie clothes. The snake still wriggling for a minutes before finally still and make no movement at all. I take a deep breath and exhale it, I made it on time. I don't what will happen if I couple seconds late to save Silvie. I take a look at Silvie that still lie in the ground because of my push. Her face still looks pale because of the horror that she just experienced, there're also tears flowing from her eyes. Her body is also still shaking from the fear.

"Silvie, are you alright?"

I squat in front of her to check her condition, whether that snake manages to bite her or not because it happens so fast and I need to confirm her safety. Silvie didn't answer my question, instead, she suddenly hugs me tight while crying

"Huaaaaaaaaaaaaa *sob*...*sob* 😭 ....I'm scared Ikki"

Well, that obvious, which girl will not be scared when facing a snake bare its fangs in such close range. I let her cry for a while to release her emotion and shock out.

"It's okay… Don't be scared…that snake already dead"

I hug her and pat her back to comfort her

"Did the snake dead already?"

Finally, Silvie can be calmer and can talk again. I'm pointing at the snake split carcasses not far from us.

"Yes, I split that snake into two pieces with this machete"

"Hiiiiiii!!! 😨 ....Ikki…please throw that snake away..away from here"

Although the snake already dead, Silvie still scared when looking at the snake.

"Okay…but can you release your hug? I can't throw that snake away from here"

"Sorry…I just too scared"

"It's alright"

I stand up after Silvie release her hug to throw that snake away. I use a stick to lift and throw the snake carcass to nearby bushes so Silvie can't see it anymore. After finish doing what she asked, I return to her place, she still sitting on the ground and not stand up yet.

"Are you alright Silvie? Did that snake bite you?"

She hasn't my previous question and I must ask her again the same question

"No, that snake hasn't bitten me yet. I just feel too scared which make my legs like powerless. My heart also still beating faster"

I take a seat on the ground near her and open my backpack then take the water bottle.

"Here, take a drink first to calm your heart"

"No, thank you, Ikki"

Since Silvie refuses to drink, I take some sip to calm myself. We sit on the ground together with our own thinking about what just happened. It's Silvie that open the conversation first

"Ikki…thank you… It's the second time you save my life after that wolf in the forest"

"You welcome Silvie. It's my duty to protect the safety of my girl"

Silvie's face getting blushing when I said 'my girl'

"Mmm…you're surely a dependable person Ikki, I'm happy can become your girl"

"I'm also happy to have you as my girl, Silvie. Since you seem alright, can you stand up and continue our walks?"

Silvie looks hesitate before answering my question.

"I think I can stand already…but…but…."

"Hmm? Did your legs hurt? Did your legs get sprained after I push you down? Ugh! I'm so careless!"

"No…Ikki…actually…I so scared…that…"

Silvie's muttering some unclear words about her condition which make me worries

"What's happened, Silvie? Please don't make me scared"

With beet red face and low voice, Silvie explain her condition

"Because I'm so scared…I…I'm wetting myself"

Her explanation makes me feel dumbfounded.

"Excuse me…what do you say?"

"I…I unconsciously pee because I'm so scared with that snake Ikki. Now my dress is so wet down there"

I sighed after hearing her explanation. Well, at least she's alright and what happens to her is a common reaction when people get too scared. But in this situation where we far from home, indeed it's a troublesome and embarrassing situation for Silvie.