
Sothoryos 17

Sothoryos XIII: The Five Elven Elders

The first part of the palace that Jon entered with Jarod leading him had a glass roof. It wasn't the glass of other buildings, but looked like regular glass, revealing the top of the world tree, its branches and leaves. On either side, there was more water. The right side was yellow, while the left side was a silvery blue. Motes of light rose from the water, almost like fireflies that fluttered and danced in the air. There was only one path in the center, which then expanded across the room to the back, where there was a large willow tree.

Five people waited in front of the willow tree. They all looked young. And if Jon didn't know about the lifespan of Elves, he would think they were in their thirties. There were four men and one woman. The man in the middle had golden hair and wore white pants, a tunic similar to the one Jon wore, but a lighter, brighter green. He also held a staff that looked like a thin trunk with branches on top, which had small white flowers.

"Respected Elders, I have brought Jaehaerys Targaryen, the visitor from another continent."

"Well done, Jarod Bluewater," said the man in the middle. Then, he looked at Jon with a small smile, examining him carefully.

"It seems you have settled in enough, Jaehaerys Targaryen. My name is Fyldren Sunlight."

"A pleasure to meet you, Elder. I hope I am not a bother to any of you."

"Oh... Not at all. Rather, we are curious about you," Fyldren smiled a little more before raising his eyebrows slightly. "True. I will introduce you to the other elders."

"The person to my right, is Ysiel Moonlight, my sister and part of the Elder Council," Jon bowed slightly to the beautiful woman. Ysiel had silver-colored hair that fell over her shoulders, revealing her smooth, clean white shoulders. Her eyes were a haunting, piercing gray. She wore a white dress with large sleeves that hid her hands clasped near her abdomen.

"The one to my right is Caynrus Skyshadow," Jon nodded slightly, looking at the man. Blue hair adorned his head in soft curls. Green eyes like emeralds and a simple dark blue tunic with black boots. He had a sword on his back.

"The other two members of the Council are Darnall Springheart and Mardrack Darkheart."

Darnall was a thin man with a kind, calm expression, perhaps a little innocent. He had golden hair that was loose behind his back, with a lock of hair hanging down on each side. He had a thin gold ring on his forehead, almost like a crown. He held a staff with a white orb on top.

 Mardrack Darkheart was the tallest and most muscular. Almost two meters tall, with broad shoulders and a serious look. He wore black clothes with purple branch details printed from his shoulders to his hips. He wore black pants and purple boots. He had a huge bastard sword on his back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Fyldren nodded while humming a little.

"Can you tell me how you came to be on this continent? We were informed that you are from beyond the blood continent," Jon nodded, understanding that the blood continent meant Essos.

"I couldn't tell you, erm... How do I refer to you? Sir? Knight? I'm not too familiar with your labels."

"Elder is fine, Jaehaerys Targaryen."

"I understand, Elder Sunlight."

Fyldren nodded.

"... I couldn't say what happened exactly. One day, I went to sleep after a day of training and learning. I did what I normally would do: put some wood in the fireplace, read a little, and then went to bed. But, when I woke up, I was facing an unfamiliar forest."

 "Honestly, I was scared. I thought it was a dream. The heat, the smell, and everything I could feel, told me it wasn't," Jon frowned a little as he continued, "There were also things off to the side, things that shouldn't be there: a sword and a shield, a tent and a sleeping bag. Food and water too. I tried to think of something to... well, go out to sea with. I soon thought that wouldn't be the best idea, so I went into the forest in front of me."

The Elders looked at him before looking at each other, almost as if they were talking to each other with their eyes.

"Do you have references of where you appeared?"

"There was a ruined city a few hours from where I appeared. And a few days away, a temple made of dark stones that gave off an ominous feeling. There were trees around that temple, but it wasn't that close."

 "After that, I tried to survive as best I could. I fought the so-called stinking men. I almost died that day. I spent days, moons traveling south, until I found a walled city, where there were temples created with the same dark stones."

"Did you go in?" Fyldren asked seriously.

"No. I thought it would be too dangerous when I saw stinking men living there."

"Good decision," Mardrak commented in a rough voice.

"After that, several days later actually, I met Jarod Bluewater and Saynna Featherbow."

"I see," Fyldren nodded before sighing a little. "You know, I never expected... well, I don't think anyone of our race would expect a human to get here by traveling through the dangerous forests of this continent."

"If you're surprised, imagine how I feel. Where I come from, no one uses magic. Or at least, I've never seen anyone use it. Here... everything seems magical."

 "You don't use magic? I thought humans could."

Jon shrugged a little.

"It is said that, long ago, magic was used. Now... well... it is considered an extinct thing."

"Magic cannot be extinguished," Darnall Springheart commented, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Even if the gods were to disappear, the races of the world can still use their inner power, even if it is a little dangerous."

The elders all nodded in agreement at those words.

"Tell me, Jaehaerys Targaryen. If you were granted our permission to stay, what would you do here?"

Jon shrugged, a little nervous as he replied, "Honestly, I can't offer you anything more than information about how humans live in Westeros, and a little about Essos. As for what I could do... Jarod told me I could learn magic. The true tongue, that's something I'm very interested in. Also, if possible, write about what I see."

"Write about what you see? It's dangerous for others to know too much about us," Mardrack frowned as he said that.

 "I have no intention of writing secrets. And I don't think I'll be taught such things. But, all I've lived through... what I've seen... are things no one where I come from has ever heard of, or even glimpsed. And if you're wary of what I might write, you can have someone look over my writings."

Mardrak raised an eyebrow and looked curiously at Jon. In the end, he snorted and nodded. "That's better. I like it better."

Fyldren chuckled lightly.

"Indeed. But, you're not the only one who's visited. At least, not the only human."

Jon looked at him curiously. Was there another human who made it to the land of the elves? Jon thought with a very, very high level of curiosity.

"Does the name Brandon Stark ring a bell?"

Jon choked at that name. His eyes widened as he looked at Fyldren Sunlight. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Many questions ran through his head at that moment.

"It seems you do know him. Or, at least, you know the name."

"Of course! Brandon Stark is a legend where I was raised!" Jon replied with a stronger voice.

"He is said to have built the fortress of Winterfell and other castles in Westeros. History says he lived during the age of heroes and was the founder of the Stark family. I am his descendant."

"Descendant, you say?" Fyldren asked with an expression other than a serene face. His thin eyebrows had raised a little.

Jon nodded vigorously.

"Mmm... then, that you have come this far, perhaps it is more than just a coincidence," Fyldren commented.

"Respected Elders," Jarod, who had been completely silent, decided to speak.

"Do you have something to say, Jarod Bluewater?"

 "Yes. A couple of hours ago, while we were walking to my house, we met Summerlocks, one of the spirits of nature. He said that Jon... Jaehaerys Targaryen, should visit the Great Old One Caelyb."

"Are you speaking the truth?" Ysiel Moonlight spoke for the first time, a little shocked by what she had heard.

"I swear," Jarod said seriously.

"Did Summerlocks say anything else?" Fyldren asked with a small frown.

"Well... he indicated that he could help Jaehaerys with his gifts. Oh, he also called it the seed of ice and fire."

The five elders looked surprised before looking at each other. Something was going on, and Jon didn't know what it was. Although, this time, they had come closer while muttering amongst themselves.

"Jaehaerys Targaryen, I will take you to Grand Elder Caelyb. However, I must warn you not to do anything foolish."

"I wouldn't think so, Elder Sunlight. I don't want to antagonize you, who have accepted me so kindly thus far."

Fyldren nodded and asked him to follow.