

The protagonist died in his home world and was transported to another dimension, in this dimension he was drawn on a large roulette wheel what he would take for his adventure or death .

ThurNTC · 漫画同人
2 Chs


POV: Luke Voldaren

According to the wizard's memories in my mind, to awaken the "Aura", I have to put my body to its limits to awaken it. For example, I have to chop wood for several hours and fight several animals.

After your body is tired, you, through your soul, will call mana into your bones, and you will use your vital energy together with mana to make your body break through its limits.

Leaving the cave, I go toward the trees and call my sword, and begin to cut the trees, the sword weighs 10 kg, not much, but for my childish body, it is a bit difficult.

With each swing of the sword on the wood of the tree, I feel my body aching, I strike the sword again and the tree falls, making a loud noise that echoes through the forest.

I go toward another tree and begin the process again.

After a few hours of hitting trees, I manage to cut 6 trees, go towards the cave with my body tired and sweaty, and start to take the skin of the wolf, strangely enough, I am not afraid of so much blood, after seeing the memories of the wizard and his atrocities I think I am immune to blood.

I take the wolf's skin off and start cutting its fibers and organs, leaving only its flesh, I go towards the fallen trees and get some wood, go to the cave and try to make fire, remember I saw some tutorials on youtube to make fire only with the friction of the branches.

After trying for a few minutes a small fire started, I put more wood on top and form a scythe, now I can roast meat and stay warm.

After eating, I go out again and start cutting wood.

/ 1 month later /

After 1 month in this world and cutting trees, I managed to do several things, cleared the trees near the cave, made barricades around it, expanded the cave a bit, and I feel somehow that I will break through, after 1 month, my muscles grew and I got bigger.

"A.I. Chip, show me my status."

[Name : Luke Voldaren

Age: 14 years

Core: Massive

Height: 1,70m

Strength: 0.9

Speed: 1

Stamina: 1


Taking out my sword, I walk to the end of the cave and start breaking it to scare it away, putting all my strength into it, I start breaking it, and the pieces of stones start falling on my shoe made of skin, I feel my body getting heavy, I feel my hands hurt, looking at my body, I see the veins on my arm glowing golden, I start to see a little blurred and faint

Opening my eyes, and looking at my body on the floor, I stand up leaning on the wall, I feel that I have become stronger, I feel that something has awakened in my body, I take a piece of wood and break it easily.

[ Congratulations host you have awakened a new energy in your body !!! ]

Please explain

[You fainted for 4 hours, during that time, this energy changed your body, it's not just life energy, it's something stronger and more powerful!]

"Show me my status.

[Name: Luke Voldaren

Age: 14 years

Core: Mass

Height: 1,73m

Strength: 3= 879kg

Speed: 3= 39km

Endurance: 3

Mana: 0

Passives: Aether Manipulation .]

" Tell me what I can do with this Aether "

[ I found out so far that it helps your body break out of stages, but it is much more powerful, be careful host ]

Leaving the cave, I see the world more brightly, it seems that even my eyes have evolved, and my hearing too, I can hear birds singing from hundreds of meters away.

Since I have become stronger, I go to my old villa to find something that interests me, new clothes, to see if there are any survivors.

I begin to walk towards the villa, according to my calculations, the villa is 20 km from my cave, if I run a little I will arrive in less than an hour.

Running among the trees and rocks, I do not see an animal, before the white walkers attacked my villa, in this forest where I am there were many animals.

I have to be careful with them, if, in the series and books they were strong, they could throw people dozens of feet effortlessly, their army in this world must be bigger because there are dozens of different animals and monsters that were not in the books.

After running for a few minutes, I see the villa from above, it is destroyed, and the houses once made of reinforced wood are now in pieces.

I don't see any white walkers around the villa and I move forward, past the destroyed houses, my blood boils with rage at seeing these houses and my destroyed villa, and I start to rummage through the houses to find skin clothes for my size.

I find 2 and leave for my cave, leaving the villa a small tear falls from my face, and swear I will get revenge.

Arriving at the cave I put my clothes on the floor and sleep.

/12 hours later /

I wake up a little calmer and start to define my goals, I need to get stronger and get out of this end of the world that is North, I start to search in the memories of the wizard about how to make potions.

According to his memories, there are different types of potions, some help to break the core, help to heal, and some help to leave the skin harder.

And I already know which one I'll make, Skin Potion, it hardens your skin until it's as hard as wood, and the ingredients are a stone monster's heart and your blood.

According to my memories in this world, there is a monster with these specifications, they are 10 meters in size and some reach up to 50 meters, the trolls.

They mostly sleep and do not worry about their safety, they feel safe only with their stone skin, and they like to stay near rivers, lakes, and monsters.

Leaving the cave, I go towards the mountain on the horizon. According to my memories, there are some sleeping trolls there, and also various kinds of monsters, giant wolves, giant bears, and snow griffons.

Looking towards the mountain I see smoke, probably some people, going towards the smoke, I hear the voices of several people talking, they are around a fire, two men and two children, they are talking and laughing.

"You saw how he fell, he couldn't catch that squirrel hahaha" A big, bearded man laughed

"For dad, I'm going to be a great hunter one day, you'll see!" said a girl who looked about 12 years old.

Going towards them, the big man realizes my arrival and attacks me with his big hammer, I call my sword the world of the soul and it materializes in my hand, I put it in front of the axe that was coming towards my head, I give a kick in the man making him fly for 3 meters and crash into a tree.

"I didn't come with problems, put your gun down if you don't want to get hurt," I say with a cold tone.

He stands up quickly and says, "As a white walker speaks," he says in a frightened voice.

"I am not a white walker.

"How are you so strong?"

"I can't tell you, I come in peace, let's sit and talk."

The man calls to the children behind the trees and along with the children comes a man pointing a sword at me.

They sit down in front of me and the big bearded man says " I am Theodore a warrior from the mountain villa ".

He points to the black-haired girl next to him " This is yana my daughter my firstborn "

"This one next to me is my son Hugo, he is 10 years old.

He points to the man sitting there looking at me scared and says "This other warrior is Otto".

He looks at me confused and curious and says "Who are you?

"I am Luke Voldaren, the last survivor of the Voldaren villa.

The man looks shocked at me and speaks: "So it is true, the villa voldaren was massacred by the walkers ?"

"Yes "

"Let's go, we have to greet the head of the villa.

"# Will you come, boy? "

I think about it and decide not to follow him, my goal is to reach the trolls and kill them.

"You can't go, maybe one day I'll go to the mountain villa.

The man looks at me for a few seconds and leaves with his group on horses.

I go towards the big mountains and continue with my plan.

/ 1 week later /

After walking for a week to this mountain, I realize that the mana here is greater than in other places, I begin to climb the mountain and when I least expect it, in front of me covered by snow I see a troll, he is lying down sleeping, I get close to him, I call my sword and he materializes in my right hand, his only weakness is his eyes.

Arriving in front of him, I get as close as possible to him and insert the sword into his eye, he opens his other eye and roars at me, he uses his hand and hits me, making me fly 10 meters and hit a rock, I vomit some blood and feel some of my bones cracking.

I use the Aether to heal myself and in a few seconds my broken body heals, I look at my arms and see my golden veins, the troll roars and advances towards me, I run towards him and step under his legs, I quickly summon my sword and cut the support part of his foot, he falls with pain and anger.

I go towards his head and see the troll's eyes red with rage, I insert the sword into his last eye which makes him scream in pain, and little by little the noise of screams becomes silence.

I start to cut him open, open his belly and take out his organs, according to the recipe, you have to put his heart and blood in a pot and let it cook for a few minutes.

I take from my bag a bronze pot and put the troll's blood in it, take his heart and put it inside, turn on the fire and put the pot there, according to the recipe, the blood has to be almost blue and the heart has to be reddish, to get the impurities out.

After waiting a few minutes, I look at the pot and see a little blue liquid and a white heart, I take that blue liquid and pour it into the heart, the heart starts beating again and now I have to eat it.

Biting into the troll's heart, I feel the taste of chicken but it's a little bitter, quickly eating the heart, I feel my skin getting hard like wood, I feel it getting stronger, I feel my whole body getting stronger and denser.

Looking at the pot, I see that there is some of that blue liquid left, according to the memories, this liquid is mana, using this process we take the impurities out of the blood, leaving only mana.

This liquid is also called mana potion and is used to recover mana during battle or when mana is low, this is the most basic potion one can make.

I take more blood and put it in the pot, I will make more mana potions.

Looking at my body, I see that I am full of blood and sweat, but thinking about it, I haven't had a bath in over a month.

I'm going towards the lake near the mountain. When I get to the lake, I don't see anyone around, so I take off my clothes and quickly get into the water.

Looking at my body, I notice that my veins are golden and my hair is white, I look at my eye and it is gray, the Aether has changed everything in my body.

Getting out of the water, I go to my backpack and get my other skin suit, put it on, and deactivate the Aether.

Going up to where I killed the troll and where I am making potions, I turn off the fire and get my pot full of blue liquid, start looking for a place to live, I decide to live here, it has a good view, a place to bathe, and animals to eat.

I go toward a cave on the mountain's peak, and as I enter the place, I realize that I've made a bad idea. I look at the end of the cave and see a griffin looking at me, but strangely enough, it doesn't attack me, it just looks at me.

Walking over to him, I realize that he is bruised and wounded, he has several claw marks on his chest and an open wound on his throat, he lies down on the ground and looks at me with pain and pity, he looks to the end of the cave where I see an egg.

"Are you sure?

The griffin shakes its head and dies.

"Shit" I look at the egg and it is hatching, I get closer to the egg and a small griffin comes out of it, the griffin looks at me and starts licking my hand that was near the nest, I take a piece of meat from my backpack and give it to him, he eats and asks for more, I start giving him all the pieces of meat, and he sleeps next to me.

I must have more food from now on, this boy will eat a lot.

'A. I Chip show me my status ''

[Name : Luke Voldaren

Age: 14 years

Core: Master

Height: 1,73m

Strength: 5= 1.2 ton

Speed: 5= 59km\h

Stamina: 10

Mana: 0

Passive: Aether Manipulation.

General: Its skin is as hard as wood]