Bjorn Ironside was a King among men it has been told that it was impossible to kill him. But on his final day Bjorn Ironside Unites all of Norway, Bjorn gets shot with six arrows everyone thinks he’s dead, But he slowly lifts his sword one last time, When he does this the Kings, Queens, Jarl and Earls of Norway answered the summons of Bjorn Ironside and came to save there Country for he was truly the King of all Norway. No one else could have untied all these people. The Valkyries summon you home Bjorn Ironside. Bjorn draws his final breath and closes his eyes when he opens them he sees the gates to Valhalla he starts to walk towards them but once he reaches the gates they won’t open then Bjorn hears a voice, “Bjorn Ironside Your journey does not end here.” Once he hears this voice his vision goes black again, when he opens his eyes he is surrounded by snow…….. __________________________________________ The novel will be based off The Vikings from The series Vikings. Yes i know a lot of what the show portrayed as facts were actually false but I still wanna do it:)
Mc- Bjorn Ironside will be 18 with a height of 6'6 and 250 pounds.
Mc armor