
Prologue *Pilot chapter

This story is set in the seven kingdoms of Westeros, a land reminiscent of medieval europe.

In Westeros the seasons used to last for years, sometimes decades, but as of now it has mysteriously changed.

A year ago, the seven kingdoms were torn apart by a civil war, known alternately as "Robert's Rebellion" or as the "War of the Usurper" depending on who you ask.

Prince Rhaegar Targaryen (House of the Three-Headed Red Dragon) kidnapped Lyanna Stark (House of the Direwolf), arousing the ire of her family and of her betrothed, Lord Robert Baratheon (House of the Stag).

The Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen, had Lyanna's father and eldest brother executed when they demanded her safe return.

Her second brother, Eddard, joined his boyhood friend Robert B. and Jon Arryn (House of the Falcon and Moon), with whom they had been fostered as children, in declaring war against the ruling Targaryen dynasty, securing the allegiances of House Tully (House of the Trout) and House Arryn through a network of dynastic marriages (Eddard S. to Catelyn Tully and Jon A. to Lysa Tully).

While House Tyrell (House of the Golden Rose) and House Martell (House of the Sun and Spear) continued to support the King, House Lannister (House of the Golden Lion) stalled due to multiple insults made by Aerys II.

The civil war climaxed with the Battle of the Trident, when prince Rhaegar T. was killed in battle by the rebellious Baratheon.

Only then the Lannisters finally decided to offer support to the Mad King, only to just brutally turn against him after being granted passage on the gates of King's Landing, sacking the capital.

Sir Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard broke his vows and slayed the Mad King, while House Lannister swore loyalty to the Rebels.

The Tyrells and remaining supporters surrendered and soon Robert was declared King of the Seven Kingdoms, despite the opposition of the loyalists that either left Westeros or just hid their contempt.

Unfortunately, during the end of the war, Lyanna S. had died, apparently of illness shortly after her brother captured the fortress where she had been held captive; the mourning king instead married Cersei Lannister to cement the alliance between both houses.

Despite Robert's bittersweet victory, the Mad King's pregnant sister-wife Rhaella died after giving birth to her daughter Daenerys, who later with her brother Viserys escaped Lord Stannis Baratheon's (the king's brother) efforts to capture them by fleeing to Essos with their loyal retainers.

After the war ended, House Martell chose a path of isolation, since Prince Doran's younger sister Elia Martell (Rhaegar actual wife) and her infant son had been allegedly killed by rogue knights during the storming of the Red Keep.

But her toddler daughter Rhaenys was saved by Sir Jaime, the recently nicknamed "Kingslayer".






*Hello and welcome, dearest reader! Hope this short prologue helps me convey to you on how I'm playing to build this story, consider this a start to our conversation.

Throughout this adventure I will give my personal spins on the storytelling matters (to keep things far from stale and underwhelming) like points of view of other characters and explore ways to keep the power progression with the gamer ability fun and interesting.

I'm not sure about the frequency I will be posting chapters, not that I don't have material to show, just that my writing is not on par with my ambitions for these stories.

Please feel free to comment whenever you see fit, especially if you want to give me advice on certain plot points or even general grammar coherence on my sentences.

Stay safe and farewell!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Daichi_TBR193creators' thoughts