
GOT: A New Path - A New Song

///A man who transmigrates into jon snow's body, leaving behind the title of bastard of Winterfell, and living as a real Dragon./// A man has an opportunity to live a new life, the kind of life he has always sought and in a world, he has always enjoyed reading about and watching. He transmigrated into the body of the young man known as Jon Snow, with some advantages to help him become a true Dragon, seeking revenge for his dead family and finding the path of life that he always sought but never got in his former life. Watch Jaehaerys Targaryen's quest to bring the Dragon Family back to life and seek that which belongs to him by blood right, and if his enemies get in his way during his quest, it will be fire and blood that put him in the place he is due since his birth.

Cadmus_black · 电视同人
10 Chs

Chapter 5

- A few hours later

- Benjen POV

As I stand on the wall looking at the north side of the wall I get a feeling that I am being watched and soon see why, an eagle with a letter attached to its leg circles me and soon lands in front of me.

I am confused because sending letters is very rare and expensive, for it is very difficult to train these proud animals as messengers and only the crows were better at this and the oldest means of sending has always been this.

I pick up the letter on his leg and see the symbol I thought I would never see again, a giant wolf with a flower in its mouth, and it infuriates me, who is using my Lya symbol like this?

I open it and read the letter

[To my dear Uncle Benjen

I know you are confused by the emblem I am sending you Uncle, but please know that there is a special reason why I am wearing it.

Before you read what's below, I ask you to read this with Meistre Aemon and then burn it, I count on your word to read it with him together.

- His favorite nephew, the white wolf].

Why does jon send a letter using Lyanna's sigil? And why does he want me to read the rest with maester Aemon? Confused by all this I look at the eagle that took off and landed on my shoulder, and now that I stop to look I see the eagle's eyes, they were white.

And that makes me think of an ability that some Stark people possessed and that old Nan spoke of, warg.

I look at the guide and say, "Jon?" and as crazy as it sounds the guide shook her head up and down.

That sends a shiver down my back, it's scary. I start down the stairs and head towards the maester's quarters, and I keep wondering why that is, but I let it go since I will soon find out.

When I reach the door of the room, I knock twice and say, "Maester Aemon? It's Benjen Stark, I have something to talk to you about.

Aemon: "Come in young man, the door is open."

And so I enter, and I don't fail to sigh when I see that he was awake and near the fireplace, glad that I didn't wake the old man.

I go and sit in the chair across from him after he points with his mother to her, and he says, "so young stark, tell me why are you here?"

I speak, "my nephew Jon sent me a letter and asked me to read it with you, maester" I look at the eagle that is still on my right shoulder, and it waves at me.


Aemon replies to me a little cheerfully, "so read on, it has been a long time since I received a letter, even more, so a letter from someone I don't know, I am surprised someone outside the wall or the citadel still remembers these old bones."

Benjen: "I think I told Jon about you a few times maester, I think it must be something important for him to send to you"

Aemon: "all right, now read it and speak up."

[To my two uncles on the wall

I know this beginning may leave you both confused, but it's I don't know what to say or how to say what I have to say.

For it is not easy to write something that I am still trying to accept completely. So I will narrate a little about my last moon.

I ended up discovering a hidden chest in the crypts of Lyanna stark, who until today I thought was my aunt, after a fight with Lord Stark about who my mother is and somehow found myself kneeling in front of her statue.

In this chest, there were 3 cards and 3 cloaks and 1 dragon egg, and some other objects.

Yes, a dragon egg! And I feel it alive in my hand, uncles! A living egg!

On one of the cards with a sigil of House Stark, a giant wolf with a rose in its mouth, I found out about my birth.

The legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Targaryen, born Stark.

And there she tells me about our family and how they used my mother and father's situation to usurp the throne! For my mother was not kidnapped or raped, she married my father of her own free will, and Aunt Elia's marriage to my father was annulled and she gave full support to their union, and it was she who made me heir to my brother Aegon.

She tried to send ravens to Uncle Brandon and Grandfather, but those letters never reached them, because they had people intercepting the messages. After all, they wanted to see chaos and the fall of my house, and they used this as a fire to bring the Starks to their side.

My name is not Jon Snow, and I am not the son of a woman of Lys, I am a prince and heir to the Iron Throne.

Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen

This is the name that my parents and my sister together with Aunt Elia decided for me.

I am near the wall and I have come to see my family, I want to say goodbye to you before I go to Essos and meet my grandmother Rhaella who is there, when she meets me the eagle will guide you both to the place where we are staying, waiting for you.

To my two uncles on the wall

- Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Young Dragon, and White Wolf].

I can feel my hands shaking when I finish reading the letter, and many emotions fill my being, but the one that fills me the most is anger.

The son of my dear sister, the last remnant of Iya has always been right under my nose, and Nedd has kept it from me all this time! If I had known... if I had known this before, I would never have joined the Wall, I would have stayed and raised Jo-Jaehaerys with all the love he deserves, told him stories of his mother, and never let him live this way as a bastard.

And this only inflamed his anger, the son of Lya raised as a bastard! How dare he... of course he dares, he would never let others know that the true King of the Seven Kingdoms is alive, for that would put the life of his dear friend Robert in danger!

I am brought out of my thoughts when I see master Aemon with trembling hands and tears falling from his eyes, I try to calm myself and speak, "are you alright maester?"

And my answer is a big smile that he puts on his elderly face, "I am fine! Much more than fine! My family is alive and not dead! I have never been happier in all my life!" he speaks with joy, and I can understand since he has seen his family fall far and wide, and because of his vows he could do nothing about it.

He continues, "I can't stay here if Jaehaerys is going to essos, I also have to go with him, I'm not leaving my family alone anymore!" he says in a serious tone.

And I say in apprehension: "and how will you do this maester?"

He answers me: "I will not go now, I will wait for the right moment and before that, I will request a new meister for the wall. Do me a favor and get something for me.

And then he points me to a place and shows me what I have to get, and soon I see a cloak covering something long and shaped like a sword.

Aemon: "take the sword and don't take it out of the cloth, take the books with a red dragon cover and bring them too, we will take them when we go to visit my nephew." He speaks in a cheerful tone.

I ask, "why is there a sword hidden there?"

He answers me, "that is Darksister, it is hidden because it was given to me by its former owner to deliver to the real owner, he told me that the owner of it would come for it and it seems that the time has come."

Dark sister? The ancestral sword of House Targaryen? I ask, "but they said it was missing? How did it get here?"

Aemon: "its former owner is Brynden rivers, the Bloodraven. He came to the wall many years ago and left me the sword.

Bloodraven? I speak after thinking about one thing, "Jon won't be able to use that sword on essos, he'll draw unwanted attention."

Aemon: "yeah, but who says he has to use it right away? I know you already have a gift for him, right? I heard about a very valuable sword that you ordered from a blacksmith in King's Landing from some guards."

And I then remember the sword that I ordered for Jon, a very expensive sword where I had to spend everything I had to order it, and I was going to give it to him on his 10 and 7-day name. I know he would be jealous of Robb when he got ice, so I ordered the best I could, it's not Valyrian steel..., but it comes close, and he can use it until he can use Dark sister freely.

And so we start to pick up everything we are supposed to take to deliver to Jaehaerys like the books and a gold-colored stone that Aemon took from another hiding place, I think it's a dragon egg.

And so when morning comes, we leave with the excuse that the maester wants to look at some things outside the wall and we will return in the afternoon.

-End of POV

- Jaehaerys POV

Opening my eyes after giving the instructions to the eagle to guide my uncles to our location, I can't help but feel the tiredness catch up with me, as I have been using this skill very often to monitor my uncles since yesterday.

And even though I am talented at it, I still haven't trained hard enough to the point of becoming a thousand eyes in 1, and I don't think I will ever reach that point, but I know I will surpass it as I can warg on creatures like dragons and other magical beings.

After breaking the fast and having a nice cup of coffee? I don't know for sure, since it is quite different from my old world, even the taste is different, but it tastes very good and much better than the coffee from my world.

And this reminds me of the last words I heard before I took over Jaehaerys' body:

The Being: "that world is different from yours because the gods there have a lot of influence on it, so don't think about creating technology from your world or anything advanced there, because they and magic interfere in that aspect, the most advanced technology are what would be worth arriving at, not even firearms are possible there. So it is bound to always be that way, for if the world advances like yours, it means that the gods will one day be forgotten and that will make them weak and one day they will no longer exist.

Faith is stronger than you think, young man."

And it's not like I care much about it, I wasn't a great physicist or anything like that to create everything from there in the other world, in this world and I don't even have a system.

And with magic returning, I think it's unlikely that people will be looking for technologies or anything, because every day I feel the magic in the air a little bit stronger, especially on the other side of the wall...

This makes me think that dragons are a channel for magic, since only my dragon and a few other magical beings are doing this wonder.

I turn my eyes to the giant swinging his sword at the wood a few meters away, Walder wields a large two-handed sword with great ease and holds a shield in his other hand.

He says he is the heavy type and since he cannot be fast like me, he prefers to be a big wall, while I will have swords to defend myself, he will be my shield.

And I cannot help but feel sad for him, for during our conversations I found out that his dream was always to be a knight, but one day he felt great pain and then a crow trapped him in that room.

I give a tired sigh to try and control the anger that rose in me at the thought of someone taking away the freedom of another just because it suits them, Walder's situation is no different than the slaves in essos.

I so wanted a sword to practice on now, so I could get all this stuff out of my head and put all this energy into cutting down the whole tree with my blade.

The only thing I have is a white bow made from the Heart of Winterfell tree, which old Nan gave to Walder to give to me since it seems she knew I had no other means to protect myself beside the ghost.

And I used this bow to hunt some animals for food at night, it's a great bow and it's even better than the ones I used in my past life, and they were professional bows from the modern era... I think it must be the magic making that improvement.

I have found that all metals have some magic in them, yes, all metals have magic. But they are not used in the best way, and if the metal is made by a master blacksmith capable of making Valyrian steel, then the swords would be works of art capable of slicing through armor like butter.

Magic strengthens the metal and makes it sharper, but of course, few must know about this, let alone anyone who knows how to make pure, high-quality metal these days.

It comes out of my thoughts when I see my eagle in the high sky, it is far away but I can still see and feel it, another thing I have discovered is that my senses have become sharper now, I can see much better even in the dark.

I have a very strong sense to the point of easily dodging arrows now, I think it must be the wolf blood enhancing these qualities because I feel the same thing only much stronger when I am in Ghost's mind.

Jaehaerys: "Walder! They're coming!" I shout to the giant who is beating his huge sword against the tree, and he nods to me and comes towards me after sheathing his sword.

Walder speaks after sitting down, "are you looking forward to meeting your ancestor for the first time, my prince?"

Jaehaerys: "indeed? Yes, I hope he can accept me..."

Walder speaks in a gentle tone: "It is impossible not to like you, my prince. You are everything a Targaryen should be, and not only that, you are the hope for the return of your family and everyone who knows you, it is impossible not to like you because you have this aura around you that makes everyone like you, just like your father."

And then before I can talk to him about how he knows my father, I darken the horses and the eagle lands near his mate on a nearby branch.

I get up and walk a little further ahead and wait for the horses to come closer, and soon a man with brownish-black hair gets off his horse and runs up and hugs me tightly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Cadmus_blackcreators' thoughts