
GOT: A New Path - A New Song

///A man who transmigrates into jon snow's body, leaving behind the title of bastard of Winterfell, and living as a real Dragon./// A man has an opportunity to live a new life, the kind of life he has always sought and in a world, he has always enjoyed reading about and watching. He transmigrated into the body of the young man known as Jon Snow, with some advantages to help him become a true Dragon, seeking revenge for his dead family and finding the path of life that he always sought but never got in his former life. Watch Jaehaerys Targaryen's quest to bring the Dragon Family back to life and seek that which belongs to him by blood right, and if his enemies get in his way during his quest, it will be fire and blood that put him in the place he is due since his birth.

Cadmus_black · 电视同人
10 Chs

chapter 2

- 295 B.C.


After the darkness, I feel something wet on my face and when I open my eyes I see a ball of white fur on my chest, and I realize it is a Ghost, when I look into his eyes I see the concern in them.

I run my hand over his fur and tell him "I'm fine kid, you can relax" I reassure him trying to pass calm emotions into our growing link.

I put him on my pillow and get up and go to a mirror in my room, and I see a young man of 14, a beautiful thin face and lines that define him well, a beautiful young man indeed, and tall for his age, since he is taller than theon who is 16, according to my memories.

He has black hair that reaches just above his chin and bright violet eyes.

The reason my hair is black is a product that by my memories, Jon uses at least once a week.

He has been using it since he was a baby, to hide his platinum blond hair, not that Jon knows about it, but I recognize a dye, even if it is different from my world, that is made of various herbal dyes mixed with essos, since they have a culture of coloring their hair different colors.

And it doesn't affect the hair or the scalp, I will keep using it for a while since I don't want to attract attention, the eyes and the pale skin and face are already attracting more than enough.

I turn my vision to my room, it is small...a bed, trunk, and a table and chair.

A bastard's room, indeed.

I gather clothes for the day from the trunk and get dressed, then sit down on the bed to think for a while.

Tonight I will get what I owe from my mother's crypts, and after 1 month, or 1 moon now? anyway, I will take this and wait for Ghost to grow some more and make our way to the wall, find a good horse in the wilderness, and then go to White Harbor and catch a ship to Essos.

Why these? It's near valyria, and I want to gain experience as a warrior first, so joining the Golden Company is my plan, and leaving at 16 and going to valyria.

I just hope it all works out.

Making my way through the halls, I head to the training yard to train with Robb and the Greyjoy trash.

When I get there, I see that I am the first, as there is only Ser Rodrik there waiting.

He sees me and says: "good morning Jon, I see that you were first again today. If only the other two had the same dedication as you," he says a little annoyed, and lets out a tired sigh.

I smile at him and say: "Don't worry about them, I know you'd rather teach me since I'm the only one good with swords and the best knight here.

He laughs and says: "that's true, your brother is a good swordsman, but lacks the dedication, thank goodness he is great with spears. Let's start your training before they do."

And so we stay a good while before Robb and Theon arrive, we all train together for 2 hours.

Robb has been training with a heavy two-handed sword for a long time because as the Stark heir, he will inherit ice, so he needs to train with this kind of sword if he wants to be worthy of such an honorable and heavy sword as ice, the greatest of the Valyrian Steel swords.

Theon... is a terrible knight, the only thing he is good at is bowing, and even then he loses to me even in that. But of course, he draws some kind of high confidence and arrogance from somewhere, that makes him think he can beat me... just like now.

Theon: "come on snow, let's fight, I feel like kicking that bastard's ass today!"

Robb gets a serious look on his face and says: "you better control your mouth Greyjoy, or I'm going to kick your ass" Robb never liked that others called him snow or bastard, he even says that I should have the name Stark because I'm not to blame for our father's mistakes.

And another thing that has changed is Robb doesn't have red hair and blue eyes, he has brownish black hair and the metallic gray eyes of the Starks, something that all the lords approve of and always praise him for being a true Stark, since only he and Arya have the Stark appearance.

Both Sansa, bran, and Rickon, have red hair and blue eyes. Rickon has darker hair, but still has a red tint in it, and bran has blue eyes with metallic tones in them.

And I have raven black hair because of the dye, but nobody asks why it is so dark since my uncle Brandon and my mother had hair in that same color, only Nedd and uncle Benjen have brownish-black hair.

But Sansa at least inherited other qualities from the Starks, which as the longer and rounder face, which makes her even more beautiful.

I reply theon, "come on then, you seem to drink so much every day, that you forget that every time, it is you who ends up face or butt in the mud." I speak in a wry tone, but with cold eyes.

What seems to surprise both Theon and Robb, and after looking at my memories, I realize why. It seems that because Jon is a bastard, he never fought back, and always accepted it quietly.

I stand in position in the middle of the courtyard and stare at theon who didn't move and just stood there in shock, I said, "what is it greyjoy? Were you scared?"

His face changes and assumed a face full of anger he picks up his sword and runs towards me, he puts the sword up and forces it into my head from top to bottom, I am much faster than him and trim the sword and then slam it into his sword hand which makes him have a face of pain and lets go of it, then I slam the sword into his chest with the flat side which makes him fall on his ass in the mud.

Ser Rodrik shakes his head in disappointment as clearly theon does nothing of what he was taught to do, he let his anger consume him as it always does when he is provoked.

I say, "I hear your sister is a good fighter, but you? Always so predictable, if you are going to let your enemy mess with you like that, it better to become a maester than be an embarrassment as a swordsman." I speak looking directly into his eyes that are filled with anger.

Robb comes over to me and says, "You were too hard on him, Jon. But he is right, theon, you always do the same in every fight when someone provokes you, you always let your anger rule your judgments and that will be your death on the battlefield, and Jon was kind compared to what the other guards say about you when they train with us." He speaks, and Ser Rodrik agrees.

Rodrik: "they are right, you are a great archer, and if you let your emotions control you, it will be your downfall because archers need control and attention, as it can make them miss during combat. Take Jon for example, you always call him a bastard and even though he is angry, he uses that to inflame his fencing and everything I have ever taught him."

He starts to get more and more down after hearing us, so I decide to calm down, "of course, I know that if you leave that sweet lady aside for a few days... maybe you will get better since it seems that she has finished with you, every day thinner" I speak and Robb soon understands my point.

For he continues my line, "I think she must be getting rough with him, if you're being bullied by her, you can call us, and we'll save you!" and I see a red tinge of embarrassment appear on Theon's cheeks.

And that makes us all laugh at that, after the training is over we go to the hall to break the fast.

I know what Theon will do in the future, but I don't want to instigate him even more at the moment, maybe when the time comes he can change even at that moment, and not betray our family.

As I enter the hall, a small blur jumps into my arms and yells, "Jon!"

I can't help but a big smile adorns my face, "good morning little wolf!" I speak as I squeeze her in my arms, earning a few giggles from her.

Arya: "good morning big brother!"

And as I let go of her and we head to the table with her practically dragging me to sit next to her, I see lady stark looking at me sternly and perhaps thinking about the best way to kill me.

While I have Arya who makes my heart warm and ache at the thought of leaving her behind, I gain motivation from seeing how I am treated by lady stark and how Lord Stark does nothing about it.

The old jon always got dark thoughts and only with Arya and Robb he was better, Sansa is a copy of her mother and always keeps me away from her, bran and Rickon prefer Robb but they also always stay on my toes and never treat me differently.

After I break my fast, we have classes with the maester and then I continue to train or do other jobs.

And when evening comes after dinner, I go to lord stark's manor because he has called me to talk about my "future".

Edd: "I was thinking of sending you to the wall when you are of age, what do you think? That way you can stay by benjen's side, I know you miss him." He speaks in a calm, caring tone.

But my jaw tightens when I hear this, and I say, "Is that it?" I speak coldly.