
Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? 36

There was nothing more Avina missed than the great outdoors. The trees, the sky, the dying grass by her feet - it felt great.

When the wind blew, she could feel the world's voice singing to her. Whenever the clouds passed, the messages the sky brought would fall down. And when the sun shined down upon her, her little body regained its light.

As she took a deep breath in, Avina smiled contently. Her yearnings were fulfilled and her calls were answered. There was nothing better than this.

Well, perhaps there was because it started to suck after 5 minutes.

As winter still had yet to end and her body was terribly weak, a gust of chilly air felt like the world's riveting snowstorm. Even with a heavy jacket and the world's greatest warmer, Walter, by her side, she would tremble like a leaf threatening to fall down on the soil beneath her feet.