
Good Villain

| WPC #153 World of Villains Gold Tier | How great is it to actually get a system and transmigrate to different worlds? But how unlucky is it to transmigrate only into villainesses... Avina is a good girl with good grades, good looks, and good friends. Only thing is that she has princess syndrome. And now faced with an unfortunate, unwanted, undesirable death, she has a system and has to transmigrate into different worlds in order to live once more! Hmph! This Princess is so good looking and beautiful! I have no reason to waste my precious hands to push a peasant! I am so beautiful and talented, how can I hang on one tree! It’s not him who doesn’t need me, but ME who doesn’t need HIM! System: Host, shouldn’t you flatter the target and gain good will? Avina: It is beneath me to flatter a hooligan. Hmph! Warning Notice: Content is PG; mild hints of inappropriate language but still safe to read :) [SCHEDULE]: the goal is daily, the dream is double daily, the min. is 3x per week, Author Intro./Diary has more info

Yuki_Nightingale · 奇幻言情
447 Chs

Talented Me! 10

The night went on as any other night, with mindless chatter and long hours of homework. Tonight, as well, Avina did not have the chance to see Wilona's family. It didn't take much to know how busy they were; even in the late night, Avina didn't see them.

The next morning, Avina dressed herself up and ate breakfast. Sitting on the table, just like yesterday, were warm caring notes and wrinkled bills. Despite being crumpled, each of them was smoothened out to the edges and ordered from value. The words on the notes were written slow and steady with each letter filled with love, but Avina knew how rushed for time they were. There was love in each action left on the table even if no one was there.

As usual, Avina carefully placed the bills in her purse. Yesterday, despite shopping, she was reluctant to use the money, and instead used Wilona's. In her purse, there were the bills of yesterday stacked like today. One by one, she placed them grouping them by value, only satisfied after seeing them neat in a row.

"Are you ready, Host?" 5025 looked up from the ground. It had waited for quite the time now, and the clock was ticking.

Avina looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. Its second hand ticked away revealing the minute hand hiding underneath. At the sight of the time, Avina's eyes grew large, and she rushed to the front entrance. Her hands raced for her shoes, and she rushed to close the door behind her.

"Oh no! I'm almost late!!"

She held the bag in front of her dashing towards school. Wilona was never late, and how could she be the one to be late!!

At school, Avina walked to her locker. Her heart was still pounding, but luckily she arrived just in the nick of time. She reached out to the lock, but her hands touched something else.

Unlike normal days, there was something sticking out of the locker. Looking closer, Avina realized it was a letter. What's more, she noticed there were quite a few eyes staring at her, more precisely, the letter. She picked it up, and soon, whispers could be heard.

Avina's face contorted and glared at the small letter. No matter what the excuse was, this innocent letter was definitely not innocent! It was pink with a small flower drawn at the corner looking harmless, but was there ever a harmless letter that caused so much discussion? The answer, no.

Opening it, a small coin fell out. It landed on its side and rolled around and around before plopping at the feet of a boy. Avina followed its path with her eyes before stopping at their feet. Looking up from the escapee coin, Avina realized it was Eli.

Eli reached down and picked up the coin. His curious eyes stared at the shiny dime, before handing it to Wilona.

"This yours?"

Avina looked at the dime in his hands and then at the letter. How odd.

"Apparently so," she opened her hands, and Eli dropped it into her hands.

"Came from this letter," Avina waved the pink letter around and then started to open it. There wasn't much to read, and upon reading it, her face twitched.

"I grant you luck in becoming the world's first famous beggar. Here's your first salary - a coin.


Your Queen"

Eli, despite his uncaring appearance, was very curious. He soon came from behind Wilona and looked behind her back. With each word, his brows furrowed deeper. The fancy calligraphy mocked Wilona with no qualms and each word help high contempt. Eli quickly looked over to Wilona but couldn't see her expression.

He struggled to find the right words to comfort her, but couldn't as Wilona ran off. The last words he could utter were, "Wait!" He stared at her running figure and scolded himself. The times when he should be comforting, he wasn't!

Avina ran through the halls dodging students at every turn. Some students watched curiously while others paid no attention; after all, it was a highschool. It wasn't uncommon to see a girl running with tears in her eyes - happens every week.

As she ran, her head hit something. The impact stopped her for just a short second, she uttered a 'sorry' and continued on running. The "something" who was a "someone" barely had time to react, but once Wilona left, he stared curiously at her fleeting back. His eyes narrowed and there was a small smile on his face.

That's right; the teacher was the same one from the greenhouse. He pulled off his glasses rubbing the lenses front and back. He calmly placed them back one adjusting it against his nose bridge. Once finished, he yanked a nearby student over to his side. The student, albeit confused, still greeted him. His other hand reached for his neck, rubbing the sore spot.

"Good morning, Mr. Greene," he bent down into a bow.

Mr. Greene was the agricultural teacher of the school. He was also the supervisor of the Gardening Club. A guy with a smile on his face, but his eyes are a little cold. But he had no relations to Mr. Greene and didn't understand why Mr. Greene pulled him out.

"Good morning," Mr. Greene's low and mellow voice sounded and he pointed down the hall, "Do you know who that student was? The one who was crying."

The student looked behind Mr. Greene but Wilona had already disappeared. Luckily, he was one of the more curious students and knew immediately who Mr. Greene was talking about.

"Wilona. I'm sure her name was Wilona," he replied. Mr. Greene, upon receiving his answer, hummed in response before saying goodbye. From beginning to end, the student still did not know why he wanted to know who Wilona was. But he didn't have the chance to delve into those thoughts for long before his friends arrived.

Was Avina crying? Of course no, how could a princess waste her tears for such a stupid letter. Instead, she was seething in anger! The fiery flames of rage!

Upon arriving at the nearest bathroom, she slammed the stall door closed and locked it. Calming herself for just a millisecond, she looked at the letter. Flipping it back and forth, she read the letter over and over again, each time her breathing grew harsher.

Beggar? Poor? Untalented? And this salary! The insult and mockery to her good name!

From the start of the world till now, she was busy focusing on absorbing the plot and making allies, but that didn't mean she didn't pay attention to their negative remarks. In fact, in her heart, she already placed them on her blacklist.

But this letter was both an insult and a mockery of her skills! Beggar? That was obviously an insult and prejudice to people with low income! Untalented? Baseless lie, but all the more to slap their faces with her amazing star quality! A dime? This princess does not need your measly donation!

"Can you believe these jerks!" Avina ranted to 5025. From the beginning until today, they were relentless. Like hyenas! But that was an insult to hyenas!

5025 appeared as a little cat in her lap and read the letter too. It too thought it was terribly mean of them to bully Wilona!

"Jerks! Terrible jerks!!" 5025 agreed, nodding its small white head.

"Okay, I gotta speed up the plan," Avina carefully thought of her choices. No matter what, she's going to prove Adi wrong. But how…

"Today, you're doing the show. Isn't that as fast as it can go?" 5025 carefully analyzed the plotline. There was nothing Adi did other than the show to boost popularity. Everything started from that show, how else are they going to speed anything up.

"Social media. Wilona doesn't have social media right?"

Avina quickly pulled out her phone and searched the various apps Wilona had. Yep, no social media.

"I can make her famous through social media!" With an idea fueling her mind, countless other threads of inspiration flooded her mind.

In her world, anything could be made to fame. Whether it was cooking, makeup, or even, yes, martial arts! The no use mission skill has a use now!

Scrambling, she found the app store and started downloading the most popular video uploading site, StarTube! And now to wait, patiently, for it to finish downloading. How slow, how very slow...

Avina sat there staring with eager eyes, but it only progressed 1%. Slow, terribly slow...

"So here's the plan," Avina turned to 5025. She matched its eyes and stared into the serene blue. It was like a wave meeting sand, flowing in and out at a steady rhythm. Her original excited heart slowed down into a steady thump. She smiled at her partner and felt it was a blessing to have 5025; so cute!

"Here's the plan. I make an account and martial arts videos, and get famous. Or more famous. Whichever comes first!"

It's perfect! Who doesn't love a sweet but fierce idol!

That is definitely not what Avina thought earlier! But it's ok, lol. Thank you for reading! :)

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