
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 22: Who are you?

The city of Bulgaria, covered with blankets of snow and decorated with bright lights. The winter markets open for all people from any race.

"Hey kid! Look at this!" called a woman in a chapeau hat and dark salmon cloak.

"What is it?" Hydro said as he trotted to the woman's side.

"Check this out," the woman then presented a sliver necklace with golden eight pointed star attached to it.

"It's a star," Hydro said as he examined the golden star closely.

"It's not only a star, this the star of the Race Union," the woman explained.

"Race Union?"

"Yes, the Race Union is a religion that was created by eight races. Each point of the star represents each race.

The top point is the elves, the top right point is the dwarves and the top left point is the gnomes,"

"What about the other races?"

"The other races? Well~ the right point is the halflings and the left point are the orcs,"

"Orcs?" Hydro tilted his confusedly.

"That's right! Although their a monster race, they were still accepted somehow,"

"And what else? Who are the last three races?" Hydro barked excitedly.

The woman chuckled. "Well~ the bottom left point are the centaurs, the button right point are the tritons and~"

"What's a triton?" Hydro asked, and took the woman slightly off guard.

"Hmm? Ah... tritons are long-established guardians of the deep ocean floor, in recent years the noble tritons have become increasingly active in the world above," the woman explained.

"How long have they been on the world above?" Hydro questioned.

"Uh... I'm not completely sure, but I know they been around at least over ten years ago," the woman as she scratched behind her head.

Ten years ago... they been since ten years go? Could the tritons know what happened at the Stewart island? I need to know, but...

"Goldie snap out of it!" the woman said as she flicked Hydro on the forehead.

"Ow!" Hydro groaned.

"Goldie listen to me, there's a question I need you to answer," the woman spoke in serious tone.

"Uh... okay?" Hydro stuttered.

The woman glared before she said something that Hydro didn't expect. "Who are you?"

"What...?" Hydro blurted.

"I'm serious Goldie, who are you? Because I know you're no normal beast kid. After all you did hypnotised an entire inn with one word,"

"I'm... ah... I," Hydro stumble over his words as mind slowly drifts off.

"Goldie! Answer my question, who are you?" the woman said to him again.

"I'm Goldie, a beast kid from Delphi city," Hydro said sheepishly.

"There's more to it than that, who are you?" the woman repeated.

"I'm... I don't know," Hydro said as he started to tear up.

"YOU DAMN HUMAN! HOW DARE YOU MAKE HYDRO CRY!" Cairo squawked as he pecked the woman on the head while Arty tried to comfort Hydro.

The woman caught the loud bird by beck before she smiled. "So you're name is Hydro, huh?"

Hydro shivered as his he gazes at the woman with shock and confusion. "How did you--"

"The bird said it," the woman said as let go of Cairo.


"I learned the Pisin language while I was growing up," the woman briefly explained.

"The Pisin language? The language of birds? I thought people forgotten the language a long time ago," Hydro stares at the woman in disbelief.

"Not entirely, you see my kind were the first to create the Pisin language before any other race could. So that language actually gets taught down to each generation," the woman smile gleefully.

"That... is so cool! What other languages do get taught? Dose your kind always get taught everything in every generation?" Hydro said as his tail wagged rapidly.

"SHUT UP HYDRO!" Cairo squawked.

The woman chuckled. "Calm down, I think I already told enough for one day,"

"Aw~" Hydro whimpered while his ears drooped.

The woman chuckled as she patted Hydro's head. "Maybe another time, but until then how about I tell you what the last point of the star. Alright?"

"Okay," Hydro gazed at the star.

"What is the last race?" Cairo caws.

"The button point of the star are the changelings, their similar to shifter but they can change not only their appearance but also their smell, voice and even presence to match anyone they choose to from," the woman explained.

"Wow~" Hydro said in awe.

"But how are you supposed to tell what is a changeling while they look like someone else," Cairo caws again.

"Well~ it's difficult notice. But changelings will always have small patches of white on their bodies, either it's their skin or their hair," the woman said before she placed a hand on Hydro's shoulder.

"Hydro... what ever you do, never trust a changeling," the woman said in a stern tone of voice.

"Why? Are they bad?" Hydro questioned.

"Not necessarily, however, they are included as a monster race and they are very manipulative. So if you ever encounter one, don't get too close with them, okay Hydro?" the woman said.

"Okay," Hydro said while he nodded his head.

"Good, now let's get going. That shifter is most probably searching for you right now. Paw!" the woman said as gave Hydro her gloves hand, which Hydro quickly took.

"Miss Malkovich you really have to stop taking me away so suddenly, I'm afraid that Bùtóng is going stop bringing me outside," Hydro said bluntly.

"For the last time Hydro, call me Jesse. Now that aside, I'll never stop taking you away because fun having you around. Even if he stops bringing you, I'll just have to bring you outside myself," the woman huffed as began to carry Hydro through the market.

Hydro sighed. "Yes Jesse,"