
Gold Experience(GER) in DC

Also for those who didn’t read the tags: MC will be OP at least try to be one. This will be a Harem novel Make sure to read the Harem list before you come badmouthing me. I’ll try to write some events from the Novel with various enemies to challenge the League and the MC Females will fall for him a bit fast but there will be some emotional involvement and not just mindless drones. A bit of a Hentai when it comes to R18 SliceOfLife since you know I like to take my development of Plot slow with Action in literal and metaphorical sense. A loner who loves Jojo and DC after losing his parents in an elevator accident, decides to just hole up in his home and distract himself with something. So he finds Jojo as his first Anime. He loves the series and it’s bizzare powers along with those various poses. He was an avid fan of DC from the start. So he often fantasised about reincarnating in DC with Jojo’s stands and some perks when he read all those FanFics and didn’t find too many good DC novels except a few of them. Most of them were made on Marvel which he like but he wanted something DC related. So, he just opted to read some comics and make a FanFic of his own in his mind. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in the novel or the cover picture. I will remove it if the owner asks.

Hancock_Sama · 漫画同人
195 Chs

46. Start

(A/N: You know my previous plan was to have a dedicated Arc for every girl and then have sex by the end of every Arc with that girl. But people want it to happen as soon as possible. So I could only do it this way.

Now I won't have to waste my time on thinking of a whole Arc and the following build up.)

It's been a year since Alex healed Martha and Thomas. Bruce didn't become Batman in this whole year and Alex was very perplexed about it.

'Guess a butterfly effect happened by healing Mom and Dad but I don't care'. Alex mused to himself.

'Bruce's drive to become Batman probably died down because of me healing Mom and Dad'. He was thinking but then just shook his head and thought of sleeping as Hancock was sprawled on top of him.

He went to get Diana as well but she was busy with some rituals and couldn't come back here with him. So he didn't force the marriage and just let it go for now. The girls had visited Themiscyra with him as well once as well.

'Wonder what Zatanna is doing?' He thought.

He met her on his way back from Themiscyra the last time. She was dead drunk in the bar and he accompanied her for drinks.

She made him drink some special magical wine that knocked his socks off and they did the deed while drunk.

The next day, it wasn't the most pleasant as she was screaming in his face.

——Run Barry Run——

Alex was returning back from Themiscyra but he just landed on the dock and picked up some big signs of fighting going on.

Alex quickly moved and started to follow the source of the sound and appeared near Arkham Asylum.

Batman wasn't here and Alex has been protecting the City in his wake. The big Supervillains have not appeared yet but he did send some to the prison.

Their crimes weren't all too serious. So they didn't warrant a death sentence from the get go. So Alex just opted to send them to the Arkham.

He had just appeared close to it and saw the Police confronting some mobs that were trying break out of Arkham Asylum.

The fight was fierce as bullets flew at either side like rain. The Mobs had somehow gotten their hands on guns.

'This needs to be resolved quickly'. Alex thought and quickly got close to a hiding that was not far from the battlefield.

'Gold Experience, break their bones'. Alex thought in his mind and Gold Experience suddenly appeared.

It quickly sped up and entered the mobs that was like a herd of sheep being visited by a tiger and began the slaughter. A good thing about it is that it is invisible to normal eye.

The situation started to calm down as the convicts started to fall while clutching various parts of their bodies.

Gold Experience obviously didn't show any mercy and literally broke their bones brutally to teach a lesson like Alex asked.

'I can't kill in front of the people but secretly is fine'. Alex thought and recalled Gold Experience back.

The police was a bit perplexed. They raised their guns and watched the perimeter vigilantly to make sure that the assault doesn't happen on them suddenly.

After making certain that nothing happened. They quickly moved forward and started to apprehend the criminals.

"This invisible guy is getting too unscrupulous". Gordon said as he looked at the bodies sprawled on the road.

But he just shook his head and got back to his duty. It was good that someone was helping them clean up these lawless mobs.

Alex had already left the place and was currently walking aimlessly on the streets. 'That looks like a good bar. Should try some alcohol. Been a while Since I had some'.

Alex thought and moved towards the bar and got inside the rowdy place. Girls and Guys were dancing with their bodies stuck to each other like glue.

Alex just moved his gaze around for a while and he was greeted two girls as soon as he entered the place.

"Hey, let's go and dance". The girl tried to touch his hand but Alex just took his hand away from her.

He moved forward while he ignored them and sat down beside a black haired girl on the table. she had busied herself with Alcohol.

"Beauty, would you let me buy you some drinks?" Alex asked as he sat down and motioned the waiter with his hand.

"Bring the strongest alcohols you got in the bar". Alex said and the waiter immediately took off with a bow.

The girl squinted her eyes but didn't mind it as any kind of mortal medicines wouldn't work on her. So she let the guy buy her free drinks.

The waiter quickly bought the strongest alcoholic drinks in the bar and served them to the two and stood there like a loyal butler.

"This is your tip". Alex said and dismissed the waiter.

Then he poured some alcohol for himself and the girl opposite to him. The atmosphere was awkward at first but quickly mellowed down as they shared drinks on drinks.

"This isn't working at all". Alex said as he shook his head.

This was his third bottle and it still didn't make him even slightly drunk. He was just too immune to these kind of things.

Even the girl thought that it wasn't anything great. "Hey, wanna try some real good stuff?" She asked as she took out a bottle from her handbag.

"Oh, this looks appetising". Alex smiled as he could feel that the Alcohol in her hand was quite special.

"Of course, this is a special brew. Guaranteed to make you fly". The girl nodded with a smile as she poured a glass for herself and Alex.


They both clinked their glasses and downed the alcohol in one go. The alcohol was good and had a mellow taste that left a light burn in his throat and stomach.

It quickly kicked in as he felt himself getting a bit tipsy from just one glass. "Great Drink!" Alex praised as he downed another shot with the girl.

"Told ya". The girl said and downed another shot with Alex.

She was a bit upset today as there wasn't much traffic in her magical show these days and her search for her father was coming fruitless. So she was very frustrated and thought of using alcohol of deviate her attention a bit.

They laughed merrily as they downed a couple more shots and their flushed red from the alcohol and the atmosphere got a bit heated between them.