
Gojos life as a god (Greek mythology/percy jackson)

After facing defeat at the hands of sukuna gojo is reborn into a world more dangerous and mire expansive than the jujutsu world. Join gojo in his life as a mythological figure

Rayden_Combes · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Death - New life

"You were magnificent, Satoru Gojo... I will remember you for as long as I live." Sukuna mutters some words to me as I smile. Maybe I will be reunited with Amani and Suguru now.

As my vision gets darker, I grin despite the pain. In the end, I got what I wanted. The fight of my life. Sukuna was stronger. And because of that, I lost.

Breathing my last breath, my vision finally turns to darkness as I lose consciousness for the last time.

'Okkotsu. Itadori. I leave the rest to you.'


The titaness Leto was in immense pain. After being bedded by the king of gods, Leto finds herself running away from a great serpent. Sent to kill her and her unborn children by the jealous queen of gods, Hera.

Initially, Leto believed to be pregnant with twins. Managing to scan her womb with her godly abilities. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case as Leto finds herself on Delos Island. She can feel a third presence within her womb.

After the birth of her eldest of three, a girl, Leto cried in agony for 9 days and nights as she attempted to birth her 2 remaining children.

Despite being pained, with the help of her daughter, she managed to get her 2 remaining children out on the ninth day under a palm tree. Her mind hazed as she stared at her 3 children. Her eldest, Artemis, holds auburn hair and silver eyes. Her face bearing some resemblance to her despite gods not having DNA.

The next and second eldest, Apollo, holds golden blonde hair, naturally tanned skin, and shining golden eyes. His face displayed playfulness despite just being born.

And her youngest, Satoru, a name that came to her in a lapse of concentration. He has dashing white hair much like his father and radiant blue eyes that shone brighter than the ocean itself.

Her youngest takes after his father the most out of the triplets. The boy is a spitting image of the king. The only thing that separates their appearances is satorus, his more tender features, and brighter eyes.

Satorus's gaze held intelligence. More than either of his elder siblings. Despite being gods, both her elder children lacked the 'consciousness' until they were a few minutes old. But her youngest had that immediately as if already aware.

Artemis aged rapidly. Taking on the form of an adult woman before adjusting herself into the form of a prepubescent girl. Her son Apollo also aged rapidly. Taking on the form of a boy in his late teens.

But her youngest maintained his form of a newborn for two days before taking on the form similar to his elder triplet brother. A boy in his late teens.

Despite Artemis being the oldest. Leto could tell at a mere glance that her son satoru held power beyond both his elder siblings. He radiated enough godly energy that put every minor god leto has ever met to Shame. And he's merely 2 days old.

Satoru stuck out. Much like his other brother, they both took pleasure in teasing Artemis. But satorus's playful personality held some differences from Apollos. Satrou seemed to maintain his playfulness no matter what his face, only not showing amusement when she told them of their origins.

At the mention of how they were conceived. Satoru showed initial anger. Fearing her son may rebel against his father and get himself killed, leto begged for him to let it go.

After some reluctance, Satoru agreed to let it go. He shows that he will protect her from further harm no matter what.

He isn't the only one of her children to make a vow to themselves. Artemis pledged to remain a virgin after experiencing the pain Leto went through during childbirth, and Apollo vowed to slay the python that chased her in the most brutal way possible.

Her brother, Lelantos, visited the small family of 4 on the island on the 5th day. Training her three children in how to control their godly essence along with spars.

Speaking of spars, that's where Leto finds herself. Observing her youngest square off against both his elder siblings at once. His face marred in a confident smile as he taunted them.

Her son took on an unknown combat stance. His body showed no opening as both his elder siblings displayed their annoyances at his mocking.

Giggling at the sibling banter, Leto sat idle to the right of the fight, her eyes displaying interest in how it would go down.

(Satoru pov)

After my death, I was reborn. Getting on the plane with Suguru and the others. We all went on different paths. When the plane landed, we all faded away. When I opened my eyes again, I was within the grasp of a dark-haired woman. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

The first thing I noted was the two people standing aside and staring at me in wonder. Artemis and Apollo. Despite both being significantly older than me physically, we are apparently triplets, according to my mother.

After 2 days or so, I managed to manipulate the energy this body holds to transform into my 16-year-old self. That state is the most comfortable to me.

The energy this body holds seems so stubborn and rich. Cursed energy is vile and smooth. This energy is heavy and arrogant. Like its very essence denies being willed.

Unlucky for the energy, I managed to conquer its stubbornness. After transitioning my physical age, I immediately attempted to manifest infinity. My eyes clenched shut as I stood still like a moron.

"Uhh, Satoru, are you okay, brother? Something bothering you?" Artemis. My elder sister asks as I frown.

"I am fine, Arty. I'm just trying to utilize my golden energies." I mutter in concentration as my sister frowns at me. Laughing as she attempts to poke me with her hand-crafted dagger.

The reason? She hates the nickname Arty. Something I came up with on my first day alive. My brother Apollo immediately follows suit in using the name.

"Relax, Arty! I will sing a song to soothe your annoyance." Apollo purposely teases Artemis as we laugh in sync. My brother and I enjoy teasing our elder sister to no end.

"Don't call me Arty! Fools!" Little Arty yells as she begins to chase the two of us. Our tunics, gifted by our mother, wave in the wind as we traveled at speeds even my past self was incapable of without teleportation.

My new life shined a light towards the meaning of strength that I didn't know existed. For one. I feel that I could beat Sukuna at three days old with just meager reinforcement and the natural strength of this body alone.

I can confidently say I'm the strongest amongst my mother's children. Apollo seems to be slightly stronger than Artemis, making her the weakest, although not by much.

"We're sorry, Arty, we swear!" I yell. Giggling like a madman as me and Apollo continue our sprint, we run into a powerful presence. Not overwhelmingly powerful, but enough to put me on guard as I frown.

Skidding to a halt, the three of us stare ahead as a tall man emerges from the forest. Accompanying this man is our mother. The man has dark blue hair, and his face holds sharp features. The air around us picks up a bit at his mere presence as he stares at us curiously.

"So, sister. These are your offspring? Three of them, it seems... Satoru, Apollo, and Artemis." His voice is sharp but lacks any seriousness.

My new mother, Leto, is a kind soul. During our birth, she explained to us how we were conceived. Angering me initially at how we were born and what she went through while pregnant.

My initial goal after figuring out our origins was to slap my father and his siblings off the throne. I didn't vocalize it, but my mother begged me not to try as she didn't want to risk losing her baby boy.

Promising my mother, I wouldn't rebel, I vowed never to let harm befall her again. Apollo and Artemis vowed other things as we all gathered around.

After meeting our uncle Lelantos, we trained nonstop. Artemis and Apollo are taking archery upon themselves, and I chose to work on my godly energy control.

With the help of my uncle, I managed to manifest infinity. But it's different. It doesn't infinitely divide a finite distance and instead halts forces altogether unless I deem them harmless.

It's some form of gravity manipulation. It definitely has an upper limit, but my uncle is the strongest person I know as of now. Can't bypass it, so it's safe to assume it's pretty strong for now.

It's not even infinity, but out of habit, I call it such. Currently, though. Under the instructions of our uncle, me and my siblings and I find ourselves sparring.

Watching Artemis completely outskill Apollo, who relies on his superior raw speed and strength, I chuckle as Apollo is flipped onto his back. While being physically superior to Arty, Apollo lacks all sorts of discipline in turn for using his natural capabilities.

They are tied 5-5 in spars. I'm 10-0 against both Artemis and Apollo. Neither has a way past infinity, and they are both outskilled and out experienced.

"Man, you guys are pretty weak~" I poke my siblings' buttons. Despite our love for each other, we both have large egos naturally as gods.


"Shut it, fool!"

My siblings respond to my teasing with fury as I kick my feet and laugh. Teasing them is even more fun than teasing utahime. So, knocking them down a few pegs is even more fun.

"No matter how mad you get, it remains the truth~" Despite being the youngest, I'm by far the strongest~ hahahaha!" I laugh as an arrow stops inches away from my face. Courtesy of little arty as my infinity stops it altogether.

"That won't work~"

"Your arrogance is worse than Apollo's, brother!"

"We aren't weak. You're just ridiculously lucky!"

My eyebrows raise at my siblings' words. I open my arms. A grin finds its way onto my face as I stare at my siblings.

"If you guys don't like how I act, you're more than welcome to disprove my earlier statements." I leave room for a challenge as my siblings stare at each other and nod before turning back to me.

"Fine, we will take you on together, but don't go crying to mom when we beat you to a pulp!"

"Don't take our joining of forces at face value, brother. We just want to teach you a well-needed lesson..."

Entering my combat stance that transcends my 2 lifetimes, I grin. Artemis and Apollo are both very strong. Without infinity, my old self would be hard pressed against the two of them in a fight despite them being 15 and 5 days old, respectively.

This shows the enormous power gap between my previous world and this one. Any sorcerer outside of Sukuna and myself would lose to Arty and Apollo without even putting up a fight.

"Good to see my two little siblings joining forces to take me on~ I'm glad you two are getting along well." My grin widens as their faces morph into pure fury.

"I'm older than you!"

"I'm older than you!"

Artemis and Apollo yell in unison as two distinct auras cover their forms. Artemis' silver and Apollo's brilliant yellow. In return, a light blue aura covers myself as our battle gets ready to commence.