
Chapter 5

The people who took Denji were trying to put his upper body in the truck.

"It's weird ... I have the impression that ..."

said a man with a white cap.

"Stop re-styling! And come help me." said the man carrying Denji.

"I'm telling you I feel weird !!" said the man answered.

But suddenly he was crushed by an invisible force on the ground, there was just a puddle of blood and his clothes.

"Team E. Have Team C confirm Makima's death." said the girl who had killed Himeno.

"Team E. This is team E. We have no further contact with team C for a whi-" Before the man answers, he was also run over just like the other person.

"It's her ..." the girl said in a trembling voice.

* Shinto temple *

Makima was placed in the middle of the 2 rows of people sentenced to death. She made movements of hands while making say the first name of her target to those condemned to death. When she kills her target, the person who spoke the name dies. Gojo was next to her watching her curiously gesture.

"Wowwww, Makima-chan! This is the first time I've seen something like this! It's really interesting, someday I'll show you my skills too you will definitely be surprised hehe ~."

She was just smiling and then resumed executing 1 by 1 her targets.

After a few minutes, she finished her job by killing the people whose names were known to her.

"You can take them off. I've done everything I can do here. I'm going back to Tokyo." Makima was saying.

"Hmm, do you want me to teleport you there?" asked Gojo.

"Let's go on foot, it will be better" said Makima, starting to walk.

"Ehhhh, you're not funny Makima-chan ~ I'm jealous of your husband." Gojo was saying teasing her.

"I don't have a husband and I'm still single."

Makima said calmly on the road.

"Pffffff hahahaha, seriously? You're single, I wasn't expecting it. While you let Denji touch your breast, don't ask me how I know that, it's my eyes hehe ~."

"You want to try ?" Makima was saying, trying to disturb him.

"Hehe ~, it doesn't work that way Makima-chan, I'm not so easily manipulated by impulses, don't confuse me with Denji ~, but if you disturb my privacy, I'll kill you." Gojo said without disturbance.

'So he knows I'm manipulating Denji, and he also knows I'm trying to manipulate him. Even if you know this, you cannot escape me, Gojo Satoru. I will know all about you when I get the chance. The best would be to keep him close to me to try to analyze him as much as possible. ' thought Makima.

Both go to Tokyo.

They had arrived at a station for Tokyo.

"Glad to see you alive, Madoka, how many survivors are there ??" Makima asked in front of the person with a bloodstained shirt.

"Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 came under fire. Apart from the non-humans, almost everyone died."

"Only the special sections were attacked ... The Gun Devil is bound to be involved in this." Makima was saying.

"The administration has a message for you.

My sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be merged to fill the staff shortage. From now on, you will be the commander of special section 4 anti-devil. "Madoka said.

"Pfffffff, Gojo was holding back his laughter but was noticed by everyone.

"Something Else" Madokz gave Makima a card.

"What is that ?" Makima asked.

"My resignation"

"Are you resigning?"

"The special section is starting to smell scorched. I'd rather leave before I get killed." Madoka was saying.

"I see ..." Makima was saying but they all started to hear Gojo's laughter.

"Pfffff, Hahahahaha, that's way too much for me. The special section is so incompetent? Even Jujutsu Tech wasn't that messy hahahaha ..." Gojo said as he continued to laugh.

After a few minutes they walked into the station.

"Say Makima ... You know we haven't planned to join the special section, do you?" said the man who accompanied Makima, trembling.

"We just came to be your guides."

"And we'll be heading back to Kyoto in a week." both said with Makima.

"Too bad. There are so many good restaurants in Tokyo ..." Makima said.

"Oiiii, Makima-chan we can go to a local restaurant if you want, it'll be a date, won't it ~?" Gojo said suddenly.

"Hmm, another day why not, I don't want to be on a date with someone I barely know." Makima was saying.

* Urgh * Gojo was receiving a lost arrow in his heart.

"You are really mean Makima-chan, when we have a date with me you might be seduced hehe ~" Gojo said as he disappeared.

'Maybe you can, but unfortunately I doubt it ...' thought Makima.

Several days after the incident, Hayaka woke up, he was already crying over the death of his friend.

Denji wondered why he couldn't do it, but he let his thoughts go.

Kurose and Tendou came to Hayaka's room on Makima's orders to tell him some information.

Denji and Power followed Makima.

"With this incident and the one at the hotel, we understand that powerful enemies have their sights set on you, Denji." Makima spoke.

"It is for this reason that I wanted to strengthen the 4th division, but there is nothing left now except Gojo who is an exception."

"Does that mean you're going to lead us this time !?" Denji asked.

"Unfortunately, I don't have time for this, but someone else is going to do it for me." Makima replied. "I present to you your new instructor."

They were going to say things, but were interrupted by the new instructor.

The man asked them several questions, after finishing his questions, he turned around to tell them that they had a perfect score.

"There aren't many people like you. It's admirable. I like you," said the man who was a little scary.

"You can leave Makima, I'll take care of them now." the man said to Makima, she turned to leave, but they all heard a voice.

"Oya, Oya, there's a new member I don't know about? Ehhhh, you're mean Makima-chan, you didn't even warn me. To say they have a new sensei, plus I was going to start teaching them maybe 2 3 secrets of my source of power, shame ~~ "Gojo was saying trying to pressure them, but it had the opposite effect.

"Buttttttt I am really strong, I just didn't use my power, because if I do, you could die from the impact you know! And even if my offense doesn't kill you I'm invincible in defense hehe ~. " Gojo was showing off, but the others still had a look like he was looking at an idiot except Makima. She knows that this man is not simple and even stronger than him, the slightest information can be invaluable to him.

"I'm a 1st Division devil hunter. I like being called 'Master' so try to do the same. What I love in life is girls, alcohol. and kill demons. " the man continued, ignoring Gojo and smothering Denji and Power with his arms.

He broke their necks, they fell to the ground. The man gave them a bag of blood to regenerate. He tells them that this is what differentiates them from humans, their ability to regenerate with blood.

He explains to them that Makima asked him to train them. He also said that the Gun Devil was interested in Denji's heart, he also told him that he is weak and that he can get eaten at any time. This is the 1st time he will train demons.

He told them he was going to chase them until they beat him.

After a few hours, Denji and Power trained until they died over a dozen times. During this time, the 2 accompanying agents were in Hayaka's room to ask him what he was going to do next.

The next day, Denji and Power stopped fighting the instructor by force but by the brain.

They were in the bedroom waiting for the instructor, when he arrived Power threw a blood gun at him at his head.

The man easily caught the spear. After that, he kept using the strategy, but he always kept pushing them back.

Meanwhile, Hayaka left with Kurose and Tendou to go and make a contract with a more powerful demon.

Denji and Power's training was over, the man told them that their training will go from everyday to once a week by giving them advice.

After training, the man was with Makima face to face with a table between them.

"Thank you for taking the time to help us. Denji and Power will not disappoint you." Makima was saying.

"I've already forgotten about them. Every time one of the puppies I took the time to raise dies, the amount of alcohol in my blood increases. I tell myself that I wouldn't feel too guilty if I just broke a simple toy. But at my age, you quickly become senile, and even with toys, you feel compassion. " said the man.

"Finally, what do you want to talk to me about?" Makima asked.

"The attack on the special division ... The police aren't that stupid. Did you let this go?"

"I too have been attacked," Makima replied.

"How many more times are you going to violate ethics? How many more of my puppies are you going to kill? As long as you are on the side of humanity, I want to close my eyes, but this cannot last." said the man.

"All I want is to save as many people as possible, even just one.

If the operation is successful, the existence of Section 4 will be greatly approved. That way, she can act more easily, and save people. "Makima said.

"Liar" the man replied simply.

"And if not, when will you decide to go out?" said the man in the air.

"Hehe ~, I wouldn't think an old man would have spotted me," said the figure that had just appeared. He was a man with white hair coming down, he was currently wearing dark glasses, but you couldn't see his eyes through.

"You're not like the others, who are you? Which side are you on?" the man said calmly.

Makima stood here smiling and ready to listen to the conversation.

"Hmm, I was called 'The strongest' from where I come from, but that's okay, after all I can feel your aura is really powerful old man! You are easily in the top! 5 of the strongest people I've seen. " said Gojo smiling.

"Oh? I'm not the strongest? I'm interested in where you're from, but before that, do you want some alcohol?" the man asked.

"No thanks, I only drink coffee, I'm 28 after all hehe ~" Gojo was saying as he came to sit next to the man.

"Gojo Satoru, how about you?"

"Kishibe." the man was simply saying.

"I am willing to enter into the discussion with you, but what you said earlier has confirmed my questions in mind, I would like to confirm them." Gojo said looking at Makima.

"Heyyy Makima-chan! Still so calm from what I see hehe ~.

"Hi Satoru, and I'm still the same as before, but I'm more interested in your questions." Makima was saying.

"You should know what I'm talking about, right? This aura that I felt coming from you is similar to the devils, I already knew you were concerned with the Devils but I wasn't entirely sure. seeing you act normally, like a human.

But what Mr Kishibe just said confirms my suspicions, "Gojo said, addressing Makima.

"So what are you going to do?" Makima asked, still smiling.

"Nothing, I won't interfere with your plans, after all I'm stronger than you or the other Devils. Don't think that my eyes are the main source of my power, I hide a lot as you might think. . I don't know your goals or anything, but if you come and disturb me, I will not hesitate to kill you if there is any problem. " Said Gojo with a slightly murderous smile which was enough to send little chills to the 2 people present.

"What a little warning, but don't worry Mr Kishibe, I'm neutral and on neither side.

Good ! you are still Makima-chan even if you are a devil. It would be really sad to become an enemy, my friend~. "Gojo said as he disappeared.

"What a monster this guy is, I can't feel the extent of his strength… It is infinite… Luckily he's neutral and not an enemy." Kushibe thought.

'He called me friend? I didn't think that I would ever be sincerely called that way, unfortunately I am meant to be alone, I cannot treat people equally with my Control Devil powers ... Gojo Satoru, I have no friends, just pawns. If you get in my way, I'll kill you too.' Makima thought as she considered her plans for the future.