
Crowned Queen

6months Later

In The POV of The Earl Of Warwick

"Elizabeth is pregnant again so now we must prepare her coronation before she gets too fat." Edward wants her to be crowned as fast as possible. Now that she is pregnant it will not be long before she will be in labor, maybe even giving birth to a boy.

If god is on my side he will gift them with a girl, it will only suit her.

My coronation was to happen Today, It was gonna be a big celebration. Edward found it fair that since we did not give the people a big wedding, we will give them a big coronation instead.

My hair was already styled, and my gown was very much beautiful. My coat was placed nicely on my back, now it was time to get in carriage.

I felt like a Queen riding in her Carriage, white and gold. My fairly blonde hair fit perfectly with my outfit. It flowed off my shoulders.

There were many soldiers in line, The Earl Of Warwick helped me out of my carriage. I will be honest I do not trust the man. He seems to be against me, but Edward loves him so I shall have to withstand his hate towards me.

There was a red carpet lined outside of the building, flowing all the way to very center of the building where the throne sat.

I walked through the room, proudly I walked. Everyone in the room watched my every move, as if waiting for me to trip and fall. But fortunately I did not trip, nor did I fall I made it to the throne.

Where I sat and I looked at everyone staring up at me. We are all on each other's team now...

I watched Elizabeth walk through the room as if she owned. She was as beautiful as a queen should be.

"Is that my mum. She doesn't seem to look the same."

"Of course that's your mother Richard, except now she is a Queen. A true Queen."

"A Queen, does that mean she will leave us?" He said it very straight forward "No Richard, she will always be your mother."

And we watched her sitting on the throne, at last she was finally my queen. I didn't care about anything anymore except her.

If I am to rule England, I am to rule it alongside her.

And our children that will one day Rule England and continue the York Dynasty.

At last the ceremony was over, but there was still a celebration Dinner I must attend. Oh what I would do to have my boys in my arms right now.

I walked through the halls of the castle in hopes of finding me boys before I got to the Celebration Dinner.

"Mother!" I turned my head and saw my 2 little boys running towards me. "My boys! You don't know how much I've missed you."

"Are you Queen now Mother?"

"Yes Richard." I smiled a bit. "I am Queen."

"Will you have dinner with us mother?"

"No Thomas I'm sorry, today I will not be able to have dinner with you guys. But I will see you to bed so don't fall asleep without me, alright."

"Your Grace, It is time for you to go to dinner." The Earl Of Warwick called.

"Yes I understand. Goodbye My boys, eat well." I walked over to the Earl Of Warwick and Took his hand.

Together we walked through the doors of the dining room. There were many people celebrating and there on the Throne Sat Edward. Next to him was an empty chair waiting to be sat on..