
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · 奇幻
13 Chs

World of snow [2]

I woke up early the next day with the snow leopard cub nibbling my finger.

"Hey stop that." I said shaking my hand away from its mouth.

"Okay you can have some jerky." I said grabbing my coat from outside.

The little cub jumped out into the snow sinking into it. I picked him and started collecting all the jerky to store inside. Along the way I gave a piece to the cub and ate my fill.

"I really need to name you." I said walking out of my little hut.

"Now then. How about Frost." I said after thinking for a few minutes.

"Yes I shall call you Frost." I said grabbing my boy and walking through the forest. The trees were widely spread out creating clear gaps and openings. But we were still in the middle of winter.

I started getting used to holding the cub inside my coat while walking through the snow rather quickly. Eventually I reached the edge of the forest with no issues and could see the small town ahead. I went along the roads that were empty with travel so much snow. I eventually entered the town and noticed how most of the markets were closed probably due tot he cold. I rounded a corner and saw the place I was looking for.

"Shops Shop." I read the sign and entered.

I fire fire was lit in the far corner keeping the place room with shelves lining he walls with goodies and trinkets.

"Hello young man. What can I do for you." A older man with grey and short said walking behind his counter.

"I was wondering if I could trade this core in." I asked pulling the finger sized core from my pocket.

"Let me see it and then we can decide upon a price." The man said as I handed to him.

"Very nice. How you get." He asked while inspecting it.

"I killed a ice wolf." I said blankly.

"A ice wolf. Makes since is this of high quality. Let's say twenty silver for it." He said placing it down and grabbing a box from under his counter.

"Do you also want the teeth and claws." I asked.

"Sure why not." He said placing the box down.

I pulled twelve claws and two fangs from a inside pocket and placed them on the table.

"Those where the good ones." I said.

"Let's a silver for each claw and then two for each fang. That would be sixteen silver plus the core is thirty six silver." He said counting the money into his hand.

"But yourself something nice." He said handing me the coins as I felt reach.

Money was simple. Ten bronze is one silver and a hundred silver is one gold. Silver is the most basic and used currency while gold is more rare to find in places like these especially. I walked out with a nice weight in my pocket as the cub wiggles in my arm.

"A little longer and then we can go home." I said entering another shop as a little bell went off.

"Hello what can I do for you today." A man asked from behind his counter counting his furs.

"I was wandering how much it would cost to have this ready for sewing." I said pulling the ice wolf pelt off my back.

"Nice quality considering its ice wolf furs. It would cost five silver to have it cleaned and tanned for sewing." The man said placing the fur down.

I counted out the silver and handed him five making sure I had thirty one.

"Okay come back tomorrow and it should be ready." The man said getting straight to work.

"Now for supplies." I said walking down into a armory shop.

"Hello anyone here." I asked aloud.

"Yes, hold on a moment." A voice called from behind a door.

"What you need." The man asked as his daughter walked from downstairs.

"I was hopping to buy a dagger. Maybe some armor as well." I asked looking around.

"How much you willing to spend." The man asked.

"About twenty five." I said as he got a puzzled look on his face.

He then walked around the shelves grabbing three daggers and and shoulder plate. He placed them on the counter and looked at me as his daughter walked into another room looking at me.

"Pick a dagger and the armor is ten silver." He said sliding the shoulder piece over.

The three dagger all looked similar however each seemed very sharp and well made. I picked the first one. It was short and even on both size. But it wouldn't be any good for skinning or slashing. I placed it down and grabbed the second. It was much long about thirteen inches with the middle curved making a slightly rounded blade. The inside of the blade was dulled but the outside was perfect for slashing and the tip was sharp.

"How much for this one." I asked holding it up.

The man eyed me from head to toe before looking me straight in the eyes.

"Normally I would say fifteen but you seem like you need it. So how about ten." He said putting his hand out.

"Thanks." I said shaking his hand.

The little snow leopard poked up and the man noticed.

"Well what you got there." He asked bending over the counter to get a better look.

"I named him Frost. He walked straight up towards my fire last night and now his like family." I said patting frost on the head as he purred.

"Be careful. When they might be cute but they will grow up. However there's another town a few mile away that sells bonding scrolls for tamers. However I don't know if you have the money let alone the affinity for it." The man said grabbing scabbard for my dagger.

I placed the scabbard on my belt against my waist and walked out feeling much more poorer but also better about myself. If I could gather a few more cores like those I might be able to survive this winter and then when summer comes get a scroll. Man I have plans now.

I started walking through the forest back home when I heard other footsteps in the snow. No they weren't footsteps but paws. And not just one but how many. I walked a few more feet looking around seeing nothing. Something isn't right here. Frost started getting restless.

"I know buddy. Just hold on." I said.

I had been walking all day now and stopped to lean against a tree.

"Frost hide next to the tree in the snow." I whispered.

Frost jumped down the back of my legs under my coat and hid in the snow against the tree. Thank god he listen. I was watching everything carefully now as I tried to find any sign of life. Okay stay calm and wait. The crunching of snow under feet could be heard every few moments as my eyes came attuned to it. There you are.

I focused on the flames like I did in my dreams and they formed around my body as I took off towards the small movement. The snow melted quickly around me making it easier to move however the thing I saw now burst forward with several other.

"Ice Goblins." I said drawing my dagger.

Ice goblins go where the cold goes. Doing the summer they hide up in the mountains wheee the snow is but when winter comes they are everywhere. Their stronger than normal goblins as their skin is much tougher and the snow makes them faster. I swung my arm taking a step back as three small fire balls flew across the snow. Two of the goblins raised their shields blocking the attack leaving scorch marks but the third hit its target. The goblins white skin bled green blood as his skin burnt through it shoulder.

Three arrows were fired from the back towards me. I raised my dagger and took a breath as the world seemed to slow. As I opened my eyes a line from where my dagger was appeared. It was thin but there. I swing my dagger across the line in a z shape pattern in less than a second. The rows clinked off the dagger as even I was shocked. I raised my free hand walking forward blasting fire ball after fire ball towards the goblins. The two with shields started to weaken but I hit two of the ones with bows killing them. Anther with a spear charger at me as I allowed the flames on my body to burst forward sending the gambling to ashes. I was getting tired quickly from all the magic I was using as the flames weakened going out.

"Now what." I said as the tow with shield charged toward me almost flying on the snow as two short sword cake to their hand.

The first one slammed into me and slashed from above but I dodge to my right leaning against the shield. But the second attacker was ready and dashed to met me.

"Not this." I said as I felt freezing cold engulf my body. Ice spring up from the ground making a small wall block the attack as I raised my hand and sent a icicle into the head of the first goblin. The second was still recombine as I threw my dagger into it.

The the last one was running as I drew my bow.

"Frost, Wait here." I shouted pulling my dagger from the dead goblin chasing after the bow one as fast as possible.

I followed it to a small clearing with tow chests and dead camp fires. I shot the goblin in the back twice killing.

"The worst thing about goblins. No cores." I said walking towards the chest.

"The best thing. The loot." I said swinging the chest open.

A pile of about a hundred silver coins sat in the chest making me glad I came here. I open the other one finding small red vials.

"Health potions." I said grabbing one.

There was about twenty health potions in the small box. I placed the box under my arm and grabbed the larger one with both hands. I slowly started walking stopping every few minutes until frost jumped out from the snow climbing up my back.

"Little guy. We might just become rich." I said walking towards my home.

Once home I settled down hiding the box in a hole I dug placing a few coins into my pockets. Once inside I tried warming up next to my small fire while Frost slept in my makeshift bed.