
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · 奇幻
51 Chs

Chapter 33: Meeting

Back at the monastery, the masters were watching the fight take place, watching as Jake was losing the fight and in pain, Taka and Gabrielle were preparing themselves to assist Jake but as they grabbed their swords they saw Jake vanish.

All the masters started to murmur to each other in confusion, Gabrielle walked up to the crystal staring deeply at it, thinking the worst had happened to Jake.

Gabrielle: Quickly Taka with me

Gabrielle grabbed hold of Taka's shoulder and teleported to Jake's location, Upon arriving in the desert they looked around and could not see any sign of Jake or Djynn, searching the area Taka was able to find Jakes hilt to his sword that he destroyed.

Taka: What do you think could have happened?

Gabrielle: Not a clue, all I know is the crystal is not showing Jake

Taka: That's what worries me

Gabrielle: If he were alive the crystal would show his location, you know that right?

Taka: Yes, but we saw him teleport

Gabrielle: And that's what worries me

Taka: Would you allow me to look for him

Gabrielle: Of course, start with his known location, try and trace his power if you can

Taka: No problem

Taka teleported away leaving Gabrielle in the desert who continued to look around, that was until she could sense a nearby power, turning around she saw a different demon standing there.

Zoli: I thought we killed you

Gabrielle: What happened to Jake?

Zoli: Wow straight to the questions

Gabrielle: Just tell me where he is or ill…..

Zoli: Or you'll what, we both know you're not strong enough

Gabrielle: Just tell me

Zoli: Truthfully no idea, they both vanished as I was watching, I can assure you though Djynn will kill him

Gabrielle: We will see about that

Zoli then charged at Gabrielle but she teleported back to the monastery just before she could land an attack on her, some police arrived as Zoli was stood there with fire and craters around her

Police officer: Stop right there, hands up

Zoli: You bore me

She then fired off an explosion destroying the car and killing the 2 officers, then taking off on her own search for Jake and Djynn.

Taka was currently in Jake's home town hoping to find any trace of Jake's powers but nothing coming up, Gabrielle appeared back in the main hall next to the crystal, as the other masters were searching through books.

Gabrielle: What's happening here?

Julia: Look in the crystal something has appeared

Looking back into the crystal Gabrielle could see a small light in the middle of it.

Gabrielle: What is it?

Julia: We are currently checking that now, we think he's still alive

Gabrielle then made her way to the library to assist, meanwhile, Taka had just finished teleporting to each of Jake's known locations but not finding any sign of him, deciding to teleport back to the monastery to see if there are any updates there.

Jake opened his eyes and sat up, looking around all he could see was white and nothing else around him, it was like he was floating through space as he could not fell anything around him or even hear anything.

Jake started to panic thinking he had died but not remembering his death, the last thing he could remember was Djynn grabbing hold of his sword and he thought he had teleported away.

As Jake continued to float around he could see in the distance a large pillar that with four figures stood next to it, staring towards him as he approached the pillar, as he got close to them he started to feel a floor below his feet and started to walk on it.

He walked up to the four figures but as he got closer to them he could see three of them were just grey shadows not being able to make out any features on them, the one person he could see was a tall Asian man who was dressed in the same type of clothing Jake was wearing, he had a longsword next to him.

Jake walked up to him

Jake: Wha…what is this place? Who are you?

The man turned his head towards Jake

???: Wait you can see me, that must mean you are like us, strange you can't see the others, guess you have not mastered your powers, or is it something else

Jake looked confused at the man

Jake: What do you mean I'm like you?

???: Well isn't it obvious, we are the others users of your power, other members of the Angels who had control over the blue flames, I'm actually the fourth person to use them, making you the fifth, no idea why you are here now, guess you are close to death in a tough fight

Jake: Wait, so you can answer some of my questions

???: No not really, the first time I came here I was granted a boost in power, guess that's my job now, here

The man then reached out and grabbed Jakes shoulder as he did Jake felt a burst of power entering him, then felt himself start fading away

Jake: Wait, I have so many questions

???: Nows not the time, hope I don't see you soon, be pretty bad if I do, also get more control over that power, so you can bother the other guys

Jake tried to get his last question out to the man but before he could ask it he completely faded away, opening his eyes again in a strange field with Djynn on the ground opposite him.