
Gods' gambit

Blandness enveloped Hāto’s existence. School, relationships, life itself—each a monotonous loop, devoid of surprise. Predictability gnawed at his soul. What was the point of it all if the ending was etched in stone? Then, like a tempest in a stagnant pond, Sapphira entered his life. A vampire, she brought with her a taste of love—a flavor he’d never savored before. But love, it seemed, was a double-edged sword. With it came pain—the kind that seared his heart, leaving scars deeper than any mortal wound. As Hāto teetered between life and death, a sealed god appeared. A cosmic twist of fate granted him new life, but also a new desire. No longer content with the mundane, he hungered for adventure, mystery, and magic—the very essence of existence that had eluded him for so long.

Rikki911 · 奇幻
10 Chs


 The day had been far spent, drawing just past noon. Under the warm rays of sunlight, the haunted monastery hardly looked as breathtaking. And with the ghosts' bloodlust gone, animals were free to roam the surroundings. The entire place was now a shadow of its past.

 Amidst the brightly lit dining halls of the monastery, a young man sat crossed legged on a chair. The smell of tea permeated the air.

 He was clad in a beautiful white silk tunic, simple in style, reaching from the shoulders to a length somewhere past his hips. 

 A nice belt stood on his waist fastened to hold his leather pants. 

 Hāto had settled in quite nicely with the medieval times, he was even drinking tea. Yes. A freshly brewed cup stood on the table before him.

 His movements, refined and graceful would have put even a noble to shame as he brought the cup to his lips. The light green liquid seeped into his lips followed by a gulp. After which he brought the cup back down on the table, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips.

"This is starting to get old."

[What seems to be the problem?]



 Hāto brought a hand to his forehead and slicked his hair back. Every movement exuded grace. There was so much grace.

 Hāto smiled.

"Now this might come as a surprise to you, but you see, living creatures such as myself need to eat food to survive. Lest we run the risk of dying."



 It was interesting to note that only two of the familiar voices gave a reply. The other retained enough intelligence to notice sarcasm.

[Master. I think I might know how to help.]


 Hāto found himself at the backyard of the monastery, in front of what was once a garden. Now everything was just a giant mess.

 Several plants had grown far more than they were ever supposed to, turning into small trees. There were also vines that crawled on the ground growing past the boundaries that were put in place.

 Hāto's eyes widened as he stared at the agricultural disaster.

[I'm sure you can find something of use here, master.]



 It didn't take too long before Hāto laid his hands on the garden and pillaged it. His hands held a hoe and sickle allowing him to harvest potatoes from dirt. The crawling vines were apparently sweet potatos. 

 Hāto's hands pulled out a tuber and then another. The size of which was nothing shirt of impressive. The plants had been allowed to grow unhindered, and it was all for this moment.

 The heavens were on Hāto's side. He was the chosen one.

 A hiss escaped the bushes as a black snake crawled forth from it. Sharp fangs sunk into Hāto's fingers as if admonishing him for disturbing the bush the snake called home.

 Hāto shivered. 

 There was no need to panic, at least not yet. First he needed to identify the snake, he was sure the animals of another still applied to the rules of nature. Brightly colored animals had a tendency to be poisonous while dull coloured ones were not.

 He turned his gaze to the limbless creature and stared at it's black scales. It neck featured a majestic hood with a beautiful pattern. There was not doubt in his mind, it was a cobra.

 A second was all it took for Hāto to run his sickle through the brains of the snake, but the deed had already been done.

 Hāto could already feel the poison coursing through his veins. It was a short life and now, he was dying.

 Was he?

 He didn't really feel all that different from before. The bite wound only hurt at first, it's pain had long subsided after a few seconds. But that could have been because his nervous system was growing numb.

 Hāto's worries were well within reason, but unfounded nonetheless.

 It was as though the heavens were simply offering a warning to not get complacent.

"I hear you loud and clear. Pride as they say goes before a fall."

 After collecting the bounties of what could hardly be called a garden, coupled with a dead snake, Hāto moved into the monastery.

 The kitchen was just as spacious as the rest of the monastery, telling stories of a rich past. Even now, the place was in a surprisingly decent state. There was salt and several spices well preserved in several glass jars. Now everything all came down to Hāto's personal skill in the kitchen.

 A quick dash was made to the well behind the monastery to provide water after which Hāto begun. His ingredients were washed and spread out on a chopping board, there was an abundance of potatoes as well as carrots and onions. Then lastly, there was the protein, which happened to be something as exotic as snake meet.

 Hāto meticulously sliced everything into symmetrical pieces like some sort of demented butcher. Even the ghosts of the fallen were left in awe. The ingredients were all cut up into tiny little pieces of equal sizes, as difficult as that was.

 Hāto's madness raged on in the kitchen until it was contained by a single pot. As absurd as it sounded, a single pot managed to hold all of his demented passion.

 After some time, a pleasant aroma engulfed the kitchen. It was the scent of spices elegantly blended together with love and a touch of something more.

 Hāto stood before the fire place in the kitchen, a pleased smile on his face. The last of the firewood had been extinguished and Hāto carefully brought the pot down. 

 After opening the lid of the pot, the arousing smell because even more overpowering as hit steam billowed out from the pot. Inside it was the visage of something Hāto was very much familiar with. It was curry, only much, much more exotic.

[It actually looks edible?]



"You sound like you didn't expect it to be."

 Hāto scoped a bit of the thick brother and brought it to his mouth. After a taste, he nodded in satisfaction.

 A wise man once said:

"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."