
Fun Night [2/3]

"Have some manners asshole" Alice scoffed. She looked at Junya and gave him a sneaky wink. "Junya this is Augustus, He was a teammate during the time I went roaming."

Junya could tell what this wink meant. Alice would always give him small que's when showing him something, like a small nudge or a cough.

Junya got up and offered a handshake. "Augustus, my name's Junya It's nice to me- It's a pleasure to meet you"

Augustus looked at him with a confused expression before accepting his handshake. "Good to meet you too kid," He said unsurely.

"Anyway, Alice the other teachers would like to meet you, Let's have a few drinks together"

Junya could see she was not impressed but got up regardless.

"When the food gets here you can eat, or you can practice on people around your age"

While Alice was walking away, she turned around and shot herself with an imaginary finger gun. Junya laughed a little knowing she simply came for food.

Now alone, he was left to ponder about his blessing and the urge to kill never filled his mind. He knew it would return, it was inevitable, but he was glad that it wouldn't spoil his mood.

He could only describe it as an urge to masturbate on the last day of November in a world where November never ended, with the only difference being killing was a lot more gruesome and cynical.

'The government is probably watching me already to find out my blessing I would not at all be surprised. If things continue like this, I'll have it a lot easier'

While Junya pondered a sudden realization changed his tone of thought.

'I made it all the way to Guram and got accepted, I shouldn't be so timid. I need to live a life of my own, when my urges come back, I can deal with them like I always have and think of them as thoughts, nothing else"

Once decided on his new plan, he ensured to keep an eye out for someone his age. His search was short-lived, he saw them standing around a table sipping something strongly based on the way they held it.

Their laughs were pretentious which made the task seem daunting for Junya. He never wanted to speak to someone who was believed themself to be higher class. Everyone here had some high status in business or the working world in some way.

Junya was also drastically underdressed, he was like a homeless person in a Royal banquet and everyone around him was nobility. His quiet stature and separation from the group meant he never stuck out like a sore thumb but trying to interact would definitely draw attention.

After fiddling with his thumbs and not seeing his dinner he finally forced himself to walk to the young lads, either they were very perceptive or saw a Mob because they looked rather serious.

'Man, what the hell am I doing, I've never spoken to anyone of my own free will!'

While Junya was mentally dying inside he reluctantly stretched his hand out to the first person he reached. It was a young man around the same age as Junya. He had short black hair and was dressed formally in a red suit and tie to match.

Looking at Junya stretching his hand out almost made it out to look like he was begging.

'Ah fuck I don't know this guy's name' Junya froze before he could say anything.

"Elliot, who is he?" A young man from across the table asked. While he was an extra in Junya's mind before, now he was a godsend.

"Hello Elliot, I've heard a lot about you. My name is Junya"

'Fucking nailed it!' Junya repeated one of the many lines Alice reviewed with him and their possible answers.

However, Elliot never shook his hand, instead looked at him in scorn. Elliot scanned him a few more times before he spat,

"What did fashion ever do to you? And why do you look like one of Jesus' disciples"

Elliot's remark sparked an outburst of pretentious laughs. Alice spat her drink a little off in the distance and even people from a few tables away heard and giggled.

"I was simply introducing myself considering we might be going to the same school" Junya tried to scrape back some face from he learnt from Alice. He had no idea if it worked, but he was using everything he had.

The table all looked at each other then laughed again.

"Baxter this idiot is almost as funny as you are, He says he going to GCU" Elliot called out to another one of his buddies, their pretentious laughter continued at Junya.

Baxter took the lead in roasting everything Junya was wearing. His shoes took the brunt of the attack until Junya was dripping in shame, what a fool he had made of himself.

He only retreated, sitting back down seething in rage. Thanks to their mockery Junya's plan to lay low had been ultimately shattered, Elliot's cronies sat nearby mocking him like he wasn't there. His obnoxious voice rang out like a baby's cry, only furthering Junya's newly deprived distaste.

Junya sat and waited for the food which came after several painstakingly long minutes. While they were being served the lights were dimmed to emit a warm glow around the roof providing an almost natural ambience.

While he was sitting Alice came over and sat back down.

"From the way you're eating, I can tell it didn't go well"

"I hope you had a good laugh" Junya spat.

"Oh, come on, Jesus discipl-" Alice waved her hand. "Forget it, it was your fault for not being able to tell their character. Don't worry about them"

Junya shrugged and continued eating his food, which admittedly was very good.

Tap, tap, tap

Three loud taps on the mic brought everyone's attention to the stage. Standing with light shining on him was a man with black and white hair presumably from his age. His beard was unshaved, and he looked quite drunk, but his clothes remained straight and precisely ironed.

"Hello everyone, my name is Goateng Ju, and I am the Dean of GCU's special weapons department. Thank you all for coming, I'm glad to have all our new teachers here today. We at GCU would like to give you a warm welcome to the University.

Just in case you have not yet met the new faces, I will introduce you all..."