
Class A5 [2/2]

"What the hell you bastard! Is that what you meant when you told me, ' I finally know what I'm going to do' After we been through thick and thin!?"

"Shut up, you're annoying. Next time don't scam people"

"How am I suppose to know that your name is Wota-"

Junya covered Wenji's mouth muffling the rest of his complaint. He was limp and couldn't move, not even an inch, this made him unable to do anything.

"You can die from asphyxiation in a few minutes, so think about your position a little."

Wenji gulped and stopped trying to argue.

"I'd rather not have to explain to everyone, my name, so just forget about it and call it even. Besides, I asked for more than stamina potions, I just don't feel like robbing someone on the first day." Junya then thought in his mind. 'I also know what it's like being bullied and I never want to see someone go through that. It's just a retrogressive act, counterintuitive to the survival of the human race. I would rather build someone up than break them down. So I won't take lightly someone being bullied or anything that could be seen as non-beneficial to humanity's prosperity. For that, I will make sure that never happens.'

While his thoughts were secret to him, he spoke differently. "I'll kill you if you talk too much."

Wenji never argued and simply gave up.

"Hahaha, you two are really a riot!" Wrenlow jumped into the conversation. "Hey, Junya, Is Ms Alice your mom?"

"Well, sort of, I owe her a lot, but I wouldn't call her my mother. More like my caretaker" Junya answered without expounding too far into the situation. He was prepared to ignore Wrenlow if he asked another question.

Yet, that would be hard, since he was an Apex student. Even now, Junya barely processed that he was also in his class. It seemed surreal and happened within a minute.

The students all stood back looking at the three of them in awe and wonder. Many are still weak in the knees of Wrenlow being so close to them. Especially since many of them didn't know his character.

Junya wouldn't have been able to understand their thoughts and how they viewed him. While he only viewed him as the strongest. From birth, they constantly learned about the Apex families and therefore imagine them like royalty.

Since the future was up to them, along with their future influence, it left many people licking their dry lips at the chance to make their names know. Just a simple good impression would make them have a lifeline in the future.

Unknowingly, Junya had been put on a different hierarchical class than everyone else social. He did what everyone else wanted which was conversing casually with Wrenlow, even if only a little.

Not to mention, he seemed even closer with Wenji Blackwell. Many had to accept their defeat and let the scene play out itself.


A loud belch snapped everyone out of their observation and taking away their attention, out of disgust.

"Urp, urp, ahhh, another bunch of urchins, well lithen up! Urp urp, I'm not here to be your friends. Now, Lets see how low we sank with Class 5 this year." Mr Bink was tall man with a slim figure, but a pot belly couldn't be covered with his shirt, showing his belly button.

His eyes were closed, like he was asleep. He had a flask in the side of his trousers where a weapon should have been. He hiccuped continously and wreaked of alcohol even from where he stood.

"Hm? This set doesn't seem dull, It's too bright! I don't like it." He gruffed, his eys looking toward the vibrant look of Wrenlow.

"You seem interesting, but your not dull enough, urp, urp" He washed the hiccup down swig of his flash, using it to point at Junya. "Your foot has to be in or out, you can't be both good and bad."

The class was confused with his rambling and couldn't understand Mr Bink. Yet, when talking he pointed to Junya specifically, while it made no sense to anyone Junya wondered if it was him.


"Ugh, well never mind. My name is, urp, Binks, you urchins are class A5, calling you stones to mould into gems is hogwash. That jittery bastard is just a liar! Urp, well truth is, urchins die! And until you accept that you can't even begin to be polished, urp!" He opened his drowsy eyes and looked at Wrenlow.

"Like this one, he can start being polished, but the school won't let you. Sighh, urp! Good lesson! See you all tomorrow! Class dismissed."

The potbelly man spun to turn around, but fell on the back of his head. What followed afterwards was nothing short of a masterclass in cursing, with new curses being strung together.

"Mr Bink"

"Huh?" He looked up and saw Nio's servant who was upside down in his view.

"Mister Nio's words are as follows. Teach or I'll swing you into a tornado"

"Urp! What? I would like to see him, urp! Try!" Mr Bink yelled. The woman then placed a folder in his hands along with other documents.

"Mister Nio's words are as follows. I'll get you more Dream whiskey

"Huh?! What do I need to do? Tell him to bet his legs on it!" Suddenly the hiccup ridden staggering man stood firm like a scare crow.

"Mr Nio never goes back on his word." The Assistant spoke firmly. Bink scratched his itchy beared thinking of the sudden offer.

"He knows how to strike a deal eh. I'll chop his legs if he is lying!"

Bink gabbed the folders and stood up stuffing his shirt in his pants, which barely hid his gut. His hair was slicked back with spit and the cool smell of fresh mouthwash. In the space of a few seconds, he was a much different person.

"Well good morning! My name is Mr Bink and I will be your Form teacher. We might be the bottom of the barrel, however, after this school term you all will learn lots and lots and hopefully have a closely knitted relationship."

He nodded and widened his eyes to look closely at the students.

"Wrenlow, was joining this class your decision?"

"Yes sir, I promise to study hard"

"Mmmmm, Well that's good, the rest of you can follow his lead. There is an understandable bias that he will be the strongest in our class, Yet you all shouldn't let that seem daunting. You will all learn the same combat and learn to fully utilize your blessing.

Some of you might not be tuned with fighting and that's fine. The important thing is finding where you belong and excelling at it. Promise me to do your best and I will do mine."

"Understood sir!"

'Well, let's get to class. Our first day will be the shortest. We will end at three after which you can see your dorm rooms before starting officially tomorrow."