
Godly Gang

A team of traitors, realms in danger, lives at risk. Only the defenders of the many worlds can defend against this threat. There will be laughs, love, hurt, and betrayal. But I’m the end there will either be peace, or utter annihilation.

Samar_Taylor · 奇幻
9 Chs

Chapter 2: Admiration

The boss walked into the room. He was almost 8 feet tall, was in a white uniform shirt and black jeans. His long coat was sleeveless, and had large print of a diamond on the back, and he was wearing combat boots and had his hair go down to his neck. He had a serious expression on his face.

"So. Taro Tsuchimikado, age 19, 150 pounds. Bit on the chubby side, no shame in that. Your family are fused to mythical spirits and so were you. Seems nice to me, but how did you end up on the street? A fight, an unfortunate circumstance?"

Boss was looking at him right in the eyes, not avoiding his gaze for even a second. Taro was intimidated, but he had to answer.

"I had gotten into a fight. It was over a deck of cards, but I got blasted in the back and went unconscious."

Boss looked at him sternly and played a video tape that showed exactly what he described and wrote it down.

"I see. Thank you. Alright, you're free to go. Harris, escort him outside please? We've got our suspects."

Harris walked over at his request, taking Taro outside.

"So Taro, do you live close?"

Taro shook his head and explained that he didn't have a home on his own anymore.

"Well then how about you come live with me at my place for a little while. I have a spare bed and plenty of food. But you'll have to pitch in if things get dirty. Deal?"

Taro agreed and held onto him when Harris got on his bike. As they rode towards his apartment, Taro looked around, and then looked at Harris and analyzed every detail of him. His hair was long and had a bun in the back, his skin was brown like brown sugar, and his eyes were green like emeralds. He had semi buff demon infused arms and regular legs, his stomach and chest sturdy and he was wearing glasses, one lens was seemingly colored and covered but it was actually his Grimoire called Fantasia. He also had red bundle of fur behind him that seemed to be comfortably clamped around his waist, and was attached to a sort of black part that was hanging to his chest, which seemed to be like a fancy over coat like they wear in anime with no sleeves. His ears were pointed like an elf and had earrings which seemed a bit large. He also had a sort of sparkling cloth around his right arm, and a sword that was shining red on his right hip. Taro then looked at the type of pants he was wearing. They were black with cuts in the knees, and he wore combat boots with a metal plate on them. He was completely entranced by how beautiful he looked, not sure what to say at all.

"We're here. Sorry if we were going too quick, I got hungry and remembered I have a nice plate of spaghetti and meatballs ready."

They both got off and went inside the house, it smelled like lavender and was pretty neat. He paid for it himself with the money he got from his job, and usually had friends over every day. In fact he did have a couple in his living room.

"Ah Ben, Tasha. Good to see you both here."

Ben and Tasha were a couple that were also on the force. Ben was a British man with blonde hair, a black trench coat, some armor plating on his chest and around his waist and neck. He wore boots and had a spear and axe floating in a corner of the living room. Tasha was a nymph woman with fresh leaves as her hair, and covered her arm, back, and legs. Her hands were normal, and branches covered her chest and waist, and had Chinese fighting shoes on her feet.

"Hehe, had a feeling you'd be in early so we came right in. Hope that's alright mate but we had a couple of cup noodles in your cabinet."

Harris rolled his eyes and got a plate of spaghetti out of the fridge along with a lavender colored drink.

"Anyways Harry, what's with the new guy. Could it be you have a date? Had it finally happened at last? Double date night here we come!"

Tasha always wanted Harris to find a date, but never forced him into it. Harris blushed and explained what had happened, which Tasha forced a sad expression on her face.

"Oh knock it off daffodil diptard. Let me take a shower and get myself clean for dinner. Don't come in or I'll drop you so fast you'll think a meteor hit you in the face."

Ben and Tasha laughed, while Taro blushed and hid his face again.